What Happened Around the Local

Labor Day – The battle between the rich and the working class – How FDR(Franklin D. Roosevelt) Changed everything for Unions in 1937

September 1, 2024

In the 1920s and 30s, union membership had been decreasing significantly for decades. The gap between the rich and middle class was at a […]

Celebrating our Teamster Children – Second scholarship awarded to Claire Porter

August 23, 2024

This summer, three Teamster 853 children were lucky enough to be the recipients of scholarships funded by our local. One of these students is […]

Golden Brands in San Jose ratifies new four-year contract at overwhelming 98% approval!

August 21, 2024

This week Golden Brands in San Jose enjoyed the fruits of their labor. They prepared well, participated greatly throughout the entire proposal process, and […]

Not so fast, Tony’s Fine Foods, we will take our jobs back with full back pay and benefits

August 14, 2024

Aurelio Mendoza and Ivan Gonzalez are Tony’s Fine Foods stewards who were instrumental in moving the organizing drive forward for their group. So when […]

Former 853 member, Carlos Reyes, sends us a message from SOCAL: 853 at heart and always sporting my 853 gear

August 8, 2024

Former 853 member Carlos Reyes from Cresco Labs is now in Southern California after Cresco Labs shut its doors. He sent us a message […]

Niko Glafkides was awarded one of Three 853 Scholarships this Summer

August 5, 2024

“This is one happy kiddo.  Please let everyone know how thankful our family is for the scholarship.” wrote Niko’s mom, Stacie. Niko Glafkides took […]

Vern Gonsalves Retires After Long Local 853 Career & He’ll Still Serve

August 4, 2024

July 31, 1978 that’s when Vern Gonsalve’s odyssey with Local 853 began. Originally employed by Wesco in San Leandro Vern subsequently worked out of […]

Eduardo Garcia Gomez – Shop Steward for Bimbo, Concord Center

July 30, 2024

Sisters and Brothers, Pictured here is Eduardo Garcia Gomez, Shop Steward at Bimbo, Concord Center. Eddie is also on the negotiating committee for the […]

The Perks of Being a Union Member – Family Leave for Newborns

July 26, 2024

If you are a parent and work a full-time job, then you know what I am about to say. The incredible toll a family […]

Transdev Stanford 853 members hold a proposal meeting for their upcoming contract.

July 23, 2024

Pictured are Teamsters Members from Transdev Stanford. These bus drivers are of the utmost importance to Stanford’s students and staff around the campus. They […]

Let’s welcome back Tony’s Fine Foods as they start negotiating their first contact

July 19, 2024

These Teamsters at Tony’s Fine Foods are breaking ground and pushing new boundaries in their first contract negotiations. They are drivers working in four […]

Teamsters 853 Transdev Stanford shop steward Kris Vegas

July 19, 2024

Pictured here is Transdev Stanford shop steward Kris Vegas. Kris is the voice for the rank and file at the Stanford Transdev location. His […]

Summertime Member Meetings Cancelled

July 10, 2024

In observance of the Summertime for vacationing members, a vote was taken and approved by membership to suspend monthly member meetings for July and […]

Golden Brands holds proposal meeting in San Jose

July 9, 2024

Last weekend, Teamster 853 members of Golden Brands in San Jose held a proposal meeting to discuss their upcoming contract negotiation. “We are unified […]

Teamsters 853 hosts barbecue for Costco Teamsters in San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Redwood City in preparation for national contract negotiations

June 24, 2024

Teamster 853 Costco workers in the Bay Area will soon be gearing up for contract negotiations. And what better way to start getting our […]

Going Above and Beyond for Your Union

June 24, 2024

I’m proud to introduce Chief Steward for MV Transportation Half Moon Bay/Mission Bay Martin Haro. He was instrumental in bargaining their recent contract extension. […]

Prepare for your next job interview in the unionized trades

June 22, 2024

Sisters and Brothers, Be ready for your next union job when the opportunity presents itself by taking this two-hour training course. Learn about the […]

Six months of work come to fruition with the 100% ratification of these Teamsters at Watsonville Community Hospital

June 19, 2024

This Tuesday evening, the teamsters at Watsonville Community Hospital held a ratification meeting, and they voted unanimously to accept the new contract offer.This has […]

US FOODS in Livermore enter into their first contract negotiations

June 13, 2024

Now, it’s time for the payoff. These members voted to Unionize just a couple of months ago, and now are bringing their A-game to […]

Members can never be armed with enough information about workplace issues – DHL Teamsters monthly meeting, aka “The Dumpster Meeting”

June 12, 2024

– Every month, Teamster 853 members at DHL formally meet 30 minutes before the 10 AM start time. This regular check-in gives our members […]

Teamsters 853 Members at Tonys Fine Foods

Teamsters at Tonys Fine Foods are preparing for their first-time contract negotiations.

June 11, 2024

Congratulations to these new members from Tony’s Fine Foods, who got together on Sunday with Teamsters 853 President Steven Lua and Vice President Ray […]

AB316 Rally Bus Schedules / Departure Details / RSVP

September 15, 2023

Sisters and Brothers, In four days, the Teamsters have a monumental opportunity to push back hard against corporate greed at a State Level. AB316 protects Teamster Jobs, makes streets safer, and puts corporate greed in check. If you are not working this Tuesday, please join our rally in Sacramento to deliver a message to Governor […]

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Teamster 853 Women Leaders Attend Women’s Conference in Nashville, Gain insightful knowledge and tools to improve their work and our local

September 13, 2023

Teamsters Local 853 women attendees along with Secretary Treasurer, Steve Beck and Teamster General President Sean O’Brien

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Monthly Member Meeting is Thursday, September 14th

September 13, 2023

Our monthly member meeting for September is this Thursday, September 14th. Show up and participate in the events and decisions that affect your Union and workplace.Time: Doors Close at 7 PM(usually 30-60 min. long)Where: Teamsters Local Union 853, 7750 Pardee LaneOakland, California 94621 – Phone: 510-895-8853

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AB316: This is a big event that needs your help as a Teamster

September 11, 2023

Sisters and Brothers, On September 19th, Teamsters all across Northern California will be attending a significant event that will push back against corporate greed and unchallenged new technology in the state of California. For many months, Teamsters in the Joint Council 7 have spearheaded support for legislation called AB316. AB316 is legislation that will responsibly […]

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Teamsters Local 853 Staff and Executives Attend Labor Day Breakfast with Rob Bonta, The Attorney General of California

September 5, 2023

Teamsters Local 853 continued its tradition of strengthening their business relationships with top California government officials. This Labor Day, the California Attorney General, Rob Bonta spoke to Teamsters in the Bay Area at the annual Labor Day breakfast in San Francisco. California is arguably the most Pro-Union state in the Country, and we got here […]

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Continuing the Legacy of Those Who Came Before Us.

September 1, 2023

853 Sisters and Brothers, Labor Day holds immense significance for Teamster members as it commemorates our union’s hard-fought victories and enduring Solidarity. This day honors the dedication of those who rallied for workers’ rights, leading to better wages, improved working conditions, and the establishment of unions. It reminds us of the power of collective action […]

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Hallcon Drivers honored for longevity, and For being the pioneers of Shuttle Bus Organizing

August 29, 2023

Congratulations to these Hallcon drivers for reaching a significant milestone. Last month, Hallcon honored all employees with ten years of service or more. A significant milestone, as most have worked for multiple companies in 10 years. This group of members (drivers) are part of the pioneers at Hallcon and the beginning of organizing Commuter Shuttle […]

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Rally for Good Jobs and Safe Streets – Can you attend?

August 25, 2023

Sisters and Brothers, It’s no secret that the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence is reshaping entire industries. This is triggering unprecedented changes in how we live and work and threatens the livelihoods of millions of working people nationwide.Teamster drivers are at the forefront of this fight as autonomous vehicles are rolled out across the state.Autonomous […]

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CTWI ratifies its first full-blown negotiated contract renewal.

August 25, 2023

CTWI ratifies its first full-blown negotiated contract renewal.  Congratulations to the members, they had great gains in wages and their Western Conference Pension contributions and maintained their strong medical plan.

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UPS Teamsters Ratify Historic Contract

August 22, 2023

Today, Teamsters voted by an overwhelming 86.3 percent to ratify the most historic collective bargaining agreement in the history of UPS. The five-year contract protects and rewards more than 340,000 UPS Teamsters nationwide, raising wages for full- and part-time workers, creating more full-time jobs, and securing important workplace protections, including air conditioning. The agreement passed […]

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It was a very good day for Teamster family and friends to get out and just have a good time at the ball park!!

August 22, 2023

Teamsters JC7 day at the ballpark! The weather was beautiful, and everyone had a great time. We hope to see even more 853 Members out next year!!

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Teamsters Local 853 T-shirts Available

August 21, 2023

A new batch of shirts has arrived!! Get yours: $20 each. Contact your business agent or the office here to get yours: https://teamsters853.org/our-team-officers-staff/

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These San Jose City Council Members Have our Backs, please remember their names when it comes time to vote: Peter Ortiz – Omar Torres, and Domingo Candelas.

August 17, 2023

Sisters and Brothers, Workers’ rights victories don’t just materialize out of thin air. There has to be pro-labor political representation in the communities we live and work, a presence of pro-labor organizations and community members willing to vote for these officials and workers who are on the job willing to stand against corporate greed. If […]

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Granite Rock Redwood City and San Jose voted to ratify a 2-year contract extension.

August 4, 2023

Granite Rock, Redwood City and San Jose voted to ratify a 2-year contract extension.

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Teamsters 853 Members speak at PSLbayarea Event, “If you know someone who is not union, and wants a better future, tell them to call our organizers and Unionize your Workplace.”

July 31, 2023

Trustee Gloria Segura and UPS Santa Cruz members Lilli and Jake Thomas recently participated in a forum with PSLbayarea, where they spoke about UPSers standing up against corporate greed. They spoke on the importance of being united in order to achieve success. “Just as importantly, we spoke of the importance of every Teamster Member who […]

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UPS 853 Sisters and Brothers – attend the Agreement Update this Sunday, July 31, at 5 PM

July 28, 2023

UPS TEAMSTERS TENTATIVE AGREEMENT WEBINAR, JULY 31 Join Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman for the latest updates on the historic tentative agreement for a new UPS National Master Agreement. This important webinar will follow a two-person meeting on July 31 of representatives from all 176 Teamsters locals with UPS […]

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Yellow Corp Teamster 853 Members, Join this Strike Update call

July 23, 2023

ATTENTION TEAMSTERS 853 MEMBERS AT YELLOW: On Sunday, July 23 at 4:00 p.m. PST, Teamsters National Freight Director John A. Murphy will be holding another important call for members at Yellow Corp. All members at Yellow operating companies (YRC Freight, Holland, New Penn, and Reddaway) are encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is required. Go to ibt.io/YellowZoom […]

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Yellow freight in San Jose Getting ready to strike and tired of Yellow’s lies. Ready to strike!

July 23, 2023
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Shout Out to Sunnyvale UPS Teamsters 853 Members

July 6, 2023

UPS Sisters and Brothers, big shout out to these members today. Sunnyvale turned out and we are stronger and in a better position for it. As we move through the next few weeks to the contract deadline, GET MORE INVOLVED, SIGN UP, SHOW UP, talk to David Crawford(UPS Business Agent) and Steven Lua(President, UPS Business […]

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UPS Practice Strikes all this week – UPS Members Please join us and walk the line

July 4, 2023

All around the country, UPS Teamsters are holding practice strike events to show UPS that we are serious about getting a good contract. Please make every effort to attend and walk the line with us.  And also notify any UPS co-workers who may not be on our email list. Where and when UPS 853 Teamsters […]

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PFG Livermore and Dropyards in Ceres, Sacramento, Fresno and Redding get a Boost from Gena Tatupu and Teamsters 630 Staff in LA and the IBT who know what this fight is worth

June 30, 2023

Big shout out to Gena Tatupu, PFG Supervisor from Livermore, who was wrongfully terminated during this union drive. Gena continues to fight for all the PFG workers in Livermore because she knows it’s the right thing to do. She was accompanied by Masiel Garcia (Local 630), Jr Navarro (Local 630), from Teamsters Local 630 representing […]

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Shout Out to those Working on the UPS Practice Strike Next Week

June 29, 2023

Shop Steward Alex Woolner, out of Sunnyvale, is hustling hard for all his UPS Sisters and Brothers. “A big shout out and thank you to Alex and UPS’ers like him who are putting in the time to make a better life for all of the UPS 853 Teamsters.” Said UPS Business Agent, David Crawford

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Second Harvest 853 Members Start Preparing for Negotions early to maximize their negotiating opportunity

June 27, 2023

Last Sunday, Second Harvest Food Bank members met to review current issues and potential strategies prior to starting up negotiations next year. “Preparation is the key to building our unity, and how we get a solid agreement.” Said James Long, Teamsters 853 Business Agent. “Second Harvest members are going to be ready to maximize their […]

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Graniterock and Las Animas voted unanimously to ratify new contract

June 27, 2023

Graniterock and Las Animas Concrete voted unanimously to ratify a new contract. The new offer provided a 40 percent economic increase over the term as well as full maintenance of benefits and guaranteed OT on Saturdays. Members stuck together and got it done, and now they reap the rewards of solidarity. Pictured are also members […]

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PFG Livermore, Just 4 days to go for a better future, see how PFG Gilroy is Paving their Future

June 26, 2023

Stewards – Oscar and Greg are starting negotiations with PFG Gilroy – PFG Gilroy members’ future is simply going to be better!! Wages, Health Care, 401K Pension, safe and fair working conditions….its all on the table now!! PFG Livermore When speaking to your employer or their union busters, here are the questions they don’t want […]

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Statewide Liquor Committee representing Joint Councils 42 and 7 and over 20 Teamster Locals in California Kicks off Negotiations

June 26, 2023

Liquor Committee Chairmen Steve Beck and Mike Pharris kicked off the opening meeting of the Statewide Liquor Committee to begin negotiations to secure a good contract for over 1000 Teamster members who work in the liquor division. Over 20 Teamster locals participate on behalf of these members in California. They continue to lead the industry […]

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ABF Freight Votes Unanimously to Ratify Contract – National Vote Results Expected by June 30th

June 23, 2023

ABF Freight Teamsters 853 members voted unanimously to ratify their contract, which included significant wage increases over the term of the agreement, two additional sick days, and two additional floating holidays. They also removed the cap to any cost of living increases based on the Bay Area CPI. The ABF contract is a national contract, […]

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S. Martinelli and Company Negotiating Committee getting ready for the fight In Upcoming Negotiations

June 20, 2023

S. Martinelli and Company Teamsters started early on their negotiation preparation. Their contract expires in February. The members of this Committee represent every department in the company. And the seniority is from 3 to 34 years.  More time to prepare means better negotiations and a better contract. And this team is going to the mat […]

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UPS Norcal Negotiation Update for June

June 19, 2023

The NorCal committee’s last bargaining session with the Company was on June 6th. The company remains unwilling to bargain over individual proposals and has maintained their position that the only way to get a potential tentative agreement is if the Union will accept the company’s current package deal. There are very few items currently on […]

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President of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors Nate MIley Attends Oakland Zoo Teamster Meeting in support of Upcoming Contract

June 16, 2023

Teamsters Local 853 represents zoo keepers at the Oakland Zoo. These professionals are negotiating a first-time agreement with the venerable Oakland institution. President of the Alameda County Board of Supervisors Nate Miley stopped by a recent meeting of the members to learn about their jobs and voice his support for Oakland Zoo Teamster Zoo Keepers! […]

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Performance Food Group Livermore – Take it from those PFG Members who know – stick together, Hold the line and Your lives will change for the better!

June 15, 2023

PFG Gilroy Members Who Just Voted To Unionize Have a Message for PFG in Livermore. PFG members from Teamsters Local 863 in New Jersey have a message for PFG Livermore. Soldier on and keep up the fight. Don’t believe these Union Busters; they will tell you anything they need to in an attempt to divide […]

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UPS 853 Teamsters come together and get important vote done on very short notice

June 12, 2023

UPS 853 Members got thrown a curve ball last week Wednesday. The IBT needed a national bargaining chip right away as negotiations continued between the Teamsters and UPS for the master contract, which will define the UPS work agreement for the next five years. In less than three(3) days, the Local and members had to […]

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UPS Strike Authorization Vote NOTICE

June 7, 2023

 ATTENTION!! UPS TEAMSTER 853 MEMBERS PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT A VOTE IS SCHEDULED FOR: DATE: FRIDAY, JUNE 9th, 2023 TIMES: 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM PLACE: TEAMSTERS LOCAL 853 – SOUTH BAY 1452 N. FOURTH STREET SAN JOSE, CA 95112 The Union is recommending a YES vote.Please be prepared to provide a photo id to […]

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An ask from Teamsters 853 Leadership. Every penny helps these Amazon Members. Do not be embarrassed to donate as little as $1. It helps.

May 31, 2023

Sisters and Brothers, Members in Southern California have been fighting with Amazon to bargain, and as most anti-union companies do, they are stalling to negotiate a contract. They have used every tactic possible, and these members refused to budge. They need our help. Please donate to support these members who are taking on a more significant fight […]

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40+ year Teamster Randy Nave retires from Gillig

May 30, 2023

Congratulations to Randy Nave, Teamster 853 member at Gillig, who retired last week. Randy had over 40 years as a Teamster!! Here are a few snapshots at the Barbecue that Gillig threw for him on a beautiful day outside the plant. “Randy has had a wonderful career and is due his ride into the sunset.” […]

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The Teamsters at Pleasanton Ready Mix voted unanimously for a 4-year contract extension.

May 26, 2023
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Teamsters Local 853 and the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Work with Washington Legislators to protect 500 Teamster 853 Members at Gillig Bus

May 26, 2023

Teamsters 853 members at Gillig bus manufacturing got a big boost from Local 853 and International Brotherhood of Teamsters general president Sean O’Brien last week. In 2020 legislation called the Transit Infrastructure Vehicle Security Funds Act was created. This bill was created and passed to prevent federal dollars from being allocated to foreign, state-supported, companies […]

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MV San Leandro Members Voted Unanimously to Reject Current Proposal

May 25, 2023

MV San Leandro met on Sat the 13th at the Union Hall, where members UNANIMOUSLY rejected company offer due to proposed takeaways. 

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Teamster 853 Tech Shuttle Bus Drivers for META, APPLE, AMAZON, AND TESLA Send Strong, Unified Message, No

May 24, 2023

On May 21st, over two hundred Tech Shuttle Bus drivers who perform work on Meta, Apple, Amazon, and Tesla voiced their frustrations loud and clear and voted unanimously to turn down their offer. “They want a contract that will provide a livable wage.” Said Teamster 853 Business Agent Stacy Murphy. “The Union has been in […]

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Amports Members At the General Motors Compound in Benicia are ready to enter bargaining with employer as CBA expiration nears!

May 24, 2023
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These Teamster Privileges are Available to All Active Teamsters

May 23, 2023

Teamster Privileges offers members-only savings on everything from renting a car to sending a bouquet of flowers. Teamster members can save money by taking advantage of the everyday savings benefits! Go to www.Teamsters.org/benefits

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Douglas Parking, Oakland, Teamsters Members 853 Contract

Douglas Parking in Jack London Square, Oakland, Unanimously Ratify 3-Year Contract.

May 20, 2023

Local 853 members at Douglas Parking in Jack London Square Oakland unanimously ratified a new three year agreement. “The contract includes solid wage increases, improvements in health and welfare, additional holidays, widening of the bargaining unit, and enhanced retirement security,” said Business Agent and Recording Secretary Mike Henneberry. “Douglas JLS Local 853 members get the […]

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This Sunnyvale UPS Driver knew his rights, fought back, and got his job back.

May 19, 2023

When UPS management tried to deny his reinstatement, Nathanael Naranjo, a UPS Driver at Sunnyvale, did something about it. Nathanael was taken off the job because of some educational compliance issues he was required to complete. And when he finished those requirements, he was eager to get back to work. But when he came back, […]

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Peter Ortiz, Domingo Candelas, Omar Torres

San Jose Members – These City Council Members Have your Back, Remember their Names During Election Time

May 19, 2023

We cannot do it alone. Cities and towns that support unions aren’t simply willed into being. Working and living in a city that supports unions is the result of vocal members of the community and body politic. We, as Teamsters 853 members, have to be aware of the politics in our cities and towns and […]

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UPS NorCal Contract Negotiations Update for May 13th

May 13, 2023

The NorCal Committee met this week in Oakland California and concluded the seventh week of supplemental negotiations. The 15 locals covering a geographic area from as far south as Bakersfield California, up north to Eureka California, and spanning east to west from the Bay Area to the far reaches of Northern Nevada. We collectively represent […]

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Premier Recycle Members on Strike

May 10, 2023

Can you spare time to show up and support your fellow members on their strike? After voting to unionize a year ago, Premier Recycle drivers’ negotiations have been met with stall tactics, their safety and grievance concerns remain ignored, there is unwarranted surveillance, and a general environment of hostility to these drivers. So today, they […]

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Teamsters Local 853 Monthly Member Meeting For MAY

May 8, 2023

Sisters and Brothers, Our monthly member meeting for May is this Thursday, May 11th. Show up and participate in the events and decisions that affect your Union and workplace. Time: Doors Close at 7 PM(usually 30-60 min. long) Where: Teamsters Local Union 853, 7750 Pardee Lane Oakland, California 94621 – Phone: 510-895-8853

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Greif in Morgan Hill Ratifies New Contract with best Pay Raise they have Ever Seen

May 5, 2023

Greif in Morgan Hill ratified a very strong new three-year contract with the best pay raises they have ever seen. “We pushed negotiations to the limit; the committee stood strong with a wealth of knowledge.” Said Vice-President Ray Torres.“These members received the highest wage increase they’ve ever seen, maintained their Health & Wellfare, and new […]

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The Graphic Arts Industry Joint Pension Trust Fund office is moving to their permanent location.

May 5, 2023

Effective May 6, 2023 the new location and contact information is: 3040 Williams Dr., Ste. 640 Fairfax, VA  22031 Phone: 571-800-1860 Fax: 571-520-4167 Email: jpt@gaijpt.org Website: www.gaijpt.org

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In a Hard fought battle, PFG Drivers in Gilroy gave a lot worse then they got and prevailed. They voted to Unionize!!

May 1, 2023

“Performance Food Group didn’t pull any punches against their drivers. They hired union busters, intimidated and threatened drivers, and terminated employees.” Said Ray Torres, Vice President of Teamsters Local 853. “But in the end, these drivers understood the value of sticking together and successfully voted to unionize. We now look forward to getting these drivers […]

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