Labor Solidarity Carries the Day, Strike Averted at San Francisco Unified School District.

Teamster Local 853 members at the SF Unified and members of the Crafts Coalition (ten locals including Carpenters, Machinists, Painters, and six other trades coordinated by the Building Trades Council) forced the district to do the right thing and pay up what they’ve owed the members for a long time.

Two years of dysfunction and non-payment were resolved after a weekend of crisis bargaining avoiding a strike set for Monday, December 4.

The members met at 6 am and then met with the superintendent. The Superintendent publicly acknowledged that all monies owed would be paid.

💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽 Union solidarity and Teamster muscle resolved a situation that had been festering for way too long.

Pictured left to right are SFUSD Teamsters Dennis Cruz (Shop Steward), Thadius Sparks, Paul Brennan & Miguel Segura.