
Teamsters 853 knows what is fair and what is not because we represent The four largest companies in the food service industry! They all get better pay, benefits, and job protection than non-union employees.

The reason why the company will never pay you what you are worth without the Union is because they can divide you one at a time, and you will never know how much you left on the table. And you have no leverage if you don’t act as one group.

But we do. The Teamsters know exactly how much is on the table, and we will get it for you just like all of the drivers from all these other Food Delivery Driver companies.

Listen to Marcus From PFG in Gilroy. They went Union and just got their first contract this March, which was very good for wages, benefits and job protections. In the end, 100% of the drivers voted for the contract- it was that good!!

  • This Driver, Marcus, at PFG in Gilroy explains how they got a great wage increase which was a given because they acted as a group, but the contract was more important because it gives them rights and protections on the job they never had before to hold management accountable.
  • He also saw how the company tried to grab a few drivers and treated them really well to stop the Union, but in the end, even those drivers voted YES for their unbelievably good contract.
  • The company outright lied to their face, but it didn’t work.
  • Look at other operations that have gone Union in the Bay Area
  • Significant improvements in benefits, wages, and job protection were all there for these drivers, and they can be for you, too!!

Teamsters 853 knows what is fair and what is not because we represent The four largest companies in the food service industry! They all get better pay, benefits, and job protection than non-union employees. Read More »

Teamster 853 Members at Alhambra Water Engage in Practice Picketing after voting unanimously to authorize a strike

Members at Alhambra Water voted unanimously to authorize a strike and engaged in practice picketing yesterday morning at four Bay Area locations. Progress of negotiations has been very slow with Alhambra and there have been several key areas that Alhamabra is refusing to recognize.

The members are being paid below the industry standard for the work they do, and the company has continually tried to change company policy affecting members without member involvement.

There is no win-win with these tactics, so members are fed up, and rightly so. They may have to use their ace in the hole and strike, just to get whats fair.

Teamster 853 Members at Alhambra Water Engage in Practice Picketing after voting unanimously to authorize a strike Read More »

Teamsters Reyes Coca-Cola Ratifies new contract and operations changes by an overwhelming 93% YES Vote

This past Saturday, Teamsters Locals 70, 315, 896, and 853 voted by a margin of 370-29 to ratify a new contract and an extensive change of operations agreement. This was a long and complex contract that incorporated many moving parts, including the restructuring of territories in the Bay Area.

Shout out to our Coca-Cola stewards, Jerry Trujillo and Jason Aguilar, and everyone who participated in the decision-making committees.

Special thanks to Pete Lamb, International Representative of the Brewery Soft Drink division, for bringing everything together in the dark hours before dawn (literally)!

Teamsters Reyes Coca-Cola Ratifies new contract and operations changes by an overwhelming 93% YES Vote Read More »

Skilled union workers from Teamsters Local 853 delivered the first sustainable, low-emission vehicle fleet to ABQ RIDE in New Mexico.

GILLIG, America’s premier heavy-duty transit bus manufacturer, built by skilled unionized workers represented by Teamsters Local 853, proudly announces the delivery of the first batch of 35 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses to ABQ RIDE in Albuquerque, with plans for an additional 18 buses later in 2024. This milestone highlights the collaboration between GILLIG and its dedicated union workforce.  

“Our members at GILIG, with the strong support of the stewards committee, have just ratified a historic contract with the company.” Said Teamsters 853 Secretary-Treasurer and GILIG Business Agent Steve Beck. “They are at the forefront of the low-emission vehicle industry and take pride in contributing towards a sustainable future. We were delighted to hear about the ABQ RIDE delivery and are excited to see more Teamster-built vehicles hitting the road soon.”

Skilled union workers from Teamsters Local 853 delivered the first sustainable, low-emission vehicle fleet to ABQ RIDE in New Mexico. Read More »


Sisters and Brothers,

One of the most powerful tools we have for gaining strong contracts against greedy corporations is our numbers at the ballot box.

To protect the hard-earned gains in our contracts, it is critical that we elect politicians who share our values. Electing officials who have our backs will ensure companies will not be allowed to roll back the standards we have raised in wages, benefits, and pensions.
Protect yourself, your family, and our union – Vote for these union-friendly officials!


US FOODS TRACY – Signup Cards and new videos from drivers


We are crushing it right now and want to go out on a grand slam. If you know anyone left that you work with who has not signed a Union card, please forward this web page to them and ask them to sign it by clicking below and filling out the form.

Also, more US Foods Drivers have taken the time to record messages to you. Take a look, listen to what they have to say, they have all been there.

See these New US Foods drivers videos! not only from US Foods Drivers in California but also from US Foods drivers from Teamsters Local 104 in Arizona. Take it from those who have been through it! Stick together, and you will make a better life for yourself and your coworkers!

US FOODS TRACY – Signup Cards and new videos from drivers Read More »

US Foods Livermore Negotiating Updates

US Foods Drivers Group in Livermore,

We have a lot of movement going on right now regarding your progress and wanted to give you some updates.

  1. Your election has been recognized and certified by the NLRB(National Labor Relations Board.)
  2. We have assembled a bargaining committee of some of your fellow workers and have been in discussion.
  3. US Foods management has agreed to begin negotiating with your group this coming March.
  4. We will be announcing a proposal meeting for all US Foods Drivers in the next few weeks to discuss and submit a proposal to the company. This is where we all discuss what you want from the company. Then, we will draw up a formal proposal. 

Please stay tuned, and please attend the proposal meeting when we announce it to ensure you have your say and are informed of our progress.

In Union,

Ray Torres, Vice-President, Teamsters Local 853

US Foods Livermore Negotiating Updates Read More »

S. Martinelli & Co. Step Up above and beyond for their fellow workers and a ratifies 3-year contract with 91% approval.

Saturday morning, over 130 members of S. Martinelli & Co. gathered to vote on their new agreement. The members secured improvements to both language and economics that led to a ratification vote with an approval of 91%. We got our members what they deserve and then some. This doesn’t mean the fight is over; we are eager to get to the table again in 3 years. It feels good to be able to deliver increases and protections never seen before, but we are always hungry for more. A big congratulations to all our members at S. Martinellis.

“What really helped was that we had a committee member from each department.” Said Teamsters 853 President Steven Lua, “Being able to have representation from each department allowed us to share the experience everyone has working for S. Martinelli in their respective area. The company took all that feedback and came back to the table with much more respect for these employees. I’m very proud to have witnessed our committee step up and do something uncomfortable for the betterment of their fellow sisters and brothers. It was selfless and the Teamster way!!”

S. Martinelli & Co. Step Up above and beyond for their fellow workers and a ratifies 3-year contract with 91% approval. Read More »

Del Mar Foods ratified their new 3 year agreement today with an approval of 98%.

Del Mar Foods ratified their new 3-year agreement today with an approval of 98%. This contract improves working conditions and a cumulative wage increase to double the previous agreement. Del Mar Foods members have been classified as essential workers in the food processing industry. Its Teamsters like these members who take extra risks and continue to keep the critical infrastructure operations working for our Country.

“I want to thank our all-female committee.” Said Teamster Local 853 President Steven Lua, “Isabel Ponce and Lorena Delgado are not only committee members but also stepped up as shop stewards. They are now out there not only enforcing the contract but educating their sisters and brothers on their rights. And this kind of effort is what it takes to have a strong union at the workplace.”

Del Mar Foods ratified their new 3 year agreement today with an approval of 98%. Read More »