

Sisters and Brothers,

One of the most powerful tools we have for gaining strong contracts against greedy corporations is our numbers at the ballot box.

To protect the hard-earned gains in our contracts, it is critical that we elect politicians who share our values. Electing officials who have our backs will ensure companies will not be allowed to roll back the standards we have raised in wages, benefits, and pensions.
Protect yourself, your family, and our union – Vote for these union-friendly officials!


US FOODS TRACY – Signup Cards and new videos from drivers


We are crushing it right now and want to go out on a grand slam. If you know anyone left that you work with who has not signed a Union card, please forward this web page to them and ask them to sign it by clicking below and filling out the form.

Also, more US Foods Drivers have taken the time to record messages to you. Take a look, listen to what they have to say, they have all been there.

See these New US Foods drivers videos! not only from US Foods Drivers in California but also from US Foods drivers from Teamsters Local 104 in Arizona. Take it from those who have been through it! Stick together, and you will make a better life for yourself and your coworkers!

US FOODS TRACY – Signup Cards and new videos from drivers Read More »

US Foods Livermore Negotiating Updates

US Foods Drivers Group in Livermore,

We have a lot of movement going on right now regarding your progress and wanted to give you some updates.

  1. Your election has been recognized and certified by the NLRB(National Labor Relations Board.)
  2. We have assembled a bargaining committee of some of your fellow workers and have been in discussion.
  3. US Foods management has agreed to begin negotiating with your group this coming March.
  4. We will be announcing a proposal meeting for all US Foods Drivers in the next few weeks to discuss and submit a proposal to the company. This is where we all discuss what you want from the company. Then, we will draw up a formal proposal. 

Please stay tuned, and please attend the proposal meeting when we announce it to ensure you have your say and are informed of our progress.

In Union,

Ray Torres, Vice-President, Teamsters Local 853

US Foods Livermore Negotiating Updates Read More »

S. Martinelli & Co. Step Up above and beyond for their fellow workers and a ratifies 3-year contract with 91% approval.

Saturday morning, over 130 members of S. Martinelli & Co. gathered to vote on their new agreement. The members secured improvements to both language and economics that led to a ratification vote with an approval of 91%. We got our members what they deserve and then some. This doesn’t mean the fight is over; we are eager to get to the table again in 3 years. It feels good to be able to deliver increases and protections never seen before, but we are always hungry for more. A big congratulations to all our members at S. Martinellis.

“What really helped was that we had a committee member from each department.” Said Teamsters 853 President Steven Lua, “Being able to have representation from each department allowed us to share the experience everyone has working for S. Martinelli in their respective area. The company took all that feedback and came back to the table with much more respect for these employees. I’m very proud to have witnessed our committee step up and do something uncomfortable for the betterment of their fellow sisters and brothers. It was selfless and the Teamster way!!”

S. Martinelli & Co. Step Up above and beyond for their fellow workers and a ratifies 3-year contract with 91% approval. Read More »

Del Mar Foods ratified their new 3 year agreement today with an approval of 98%.

Del Mar Foods ratified their new 3-year agreement today with an approval of 98%. This contract improves working conditions and a cumulative wage increase to double the previous agreement. Del Mar Foods members have been classified as essential workers in the food processing industry. Its Teamsters like these members who take extra risks and continue to keep the critical infrastructure operations working for our Country.

“I want to thank our all-female committee.” Said Teamster Local 853 President Steven Lua, “Isabel Ponce and Lorena Delgado are not only committee members but also stepped up as shop stewards. They are now out there not only enforcing the contract but educating their sisters and brothers on their rights. And this kind of effort is what it takes to have a strong union at the workplace.”

Del Mar Foods ratified their new 3 year agreement today with an approval of 98%. Read More »

The fight against autonomous vehicles continues with a new political season and a new Assembly Bill AB2286 – and Teamsters 853 is there standing up for members statewide.

Public safety and good-paying Teamster’s jobs are on the line. In light of many public safety incidents that have risen in the past year with autonomous vehicles, Teamsters and aligned politicians this week organized to say we need this law.

This week, Teamsters from all over the Bay Area assembled in Sacramento under the lead of the Joint Council 7 to promote Assembly Bill 2286, which is a common sense approach to stop the unchallenged expansion of the Autonomous Vehicle industry.

Teamsters Local 853 Business Agents Gloria Segura, James Long, Cesar Martinez, and Recording Secretary/Business Agent/Political Director Mike Henneberry, along with Assemblymember Liz Ortega, Representing the 20th California Assembly District, showed up in Sacramento yesterday to support the passage of a new Assembly Bill to protect our communities and jobs from the Autonomous Vehicle industry. The new legislation, AB2286, re-issues the common sense demands of last year’s AB316.

Since Governor Gavin Newsom vetoed AB 316 in September 2023, robot taxis have wreaked havoc on California streets, with one Cruise robotaxi running over a pedestrian in San Francisco and dragging her 20 feet, then leaving her trapped underneath the vehicle.

We must ensure that public safety and good-paying drivers’ jobs are considered when allowing this new AI technology to impact our communities. This bill is common sense. It provides a reasonable road map forward until we have a plan for our safety and our workers.

As election season approaches, we cannot stress enough to encourage your legislators to VOTE YES ON AB2286.

Local Alameda Politician Stands Up for Teamsters 853 Members

For those members who live in District 20, please remember Assembly Member Liz Ortega’s name when it comes time to vote for those who support Teamsters and the cause of working people everywhere in California.

The fight against autonomous vehicles continues with a new political season and a new Assembly Bill AB2286 – and Teamsters 853 is there standing up for members statewide. Read More »

After 59 years in business, Bottomley will close its doors on Friday, most Teamsters to Move over to Matagrano.

Due to changes in the marketplace, longtime distributor Bottomley will close its doors for good on Friday, February 16th. They have been in business for 59 years in the Bay Area.

You might ask, what are the Teamsters there going to do? Well, luckily, just as these 55 members take off the Bottomley uniform this coming Friday, come this Monday morning, 40 of them will be putting on the Matagrano uniform without any change to their pensions or benefits. The remaining 15 are either retiring or pursuing other options.

We want to wish all of the members a good transition and are so happy that with the large network of employers that Teamsters Local 853 has, we can make the transition as painless as possible.

After 59 years in business, Bottomley will close its doors on Friday, most Teamsters to Move over to Matagrano. Read More »

Teamsters Local 853 Secretary-Treasurer And National IBT Liquor Representative Steve Beck leads discussions on Organizing and politics in the liquor industry.

Hundreds of representatives from Teamsters local unions across the country participated in workshops this week at the annual Teamsters Brewery, Bakery, and Soft Drink Conference in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

Steve Beck led the liquor meeting as the National IBT Representative. The group has achieved a successful organizing push in the industry, and IBT Locals all over the country have benefited from the division’s success by adding members in warehouse, sales, and drivers.

“It was great to have Mike Pharris, IBT Rep and Secretary-Treasurer Teamsters 166, and Chris Rosell, IBT Director of Organizing, join the panel to discuss the organizing success and political challenges we face in the liquor industry,” said Liquor Chair and 853 Secretary-Treasurer Steve Beck. “We build the membership by having a packed room of enthusiastic local leaders willing to share their information, and that’s exactly what we had today.” “Under Director Jeff Padellaro’s guidance, this division is growing exponentially, and we are excited to be a part of that growth.”

Our local Teamsters 853 sisters and brothers benefited with strong gains and great benefits because of the efforts of everyone in this division.

Teamsters Local 853 Secretary-Treasurer And National IBT Liquor Representative Steve Beck leads discussions on Organizing and politics in the liquor industry. Read More »

Gatorade contract is stronger because of a strong relationship between the company and our members.

It’s not always the case that to win a fight, you have to bloody someone’s nose. Case in point with PepsiCo brand Gatorade and Teamsters Local 853 members.
Pictured are Gary Hodgson, a 17-year shop steward, and Darryl Carter, an 8-year shop steward for Teamster 853 members at Gatorade. This group meets monthly along with Teamsters Local 853 president Steven Lua for their joint labor-management meeting to review open items and align on the 2024 planned year. This group has worked to create a stronger partnership with Gatorade, a PepsiCo company, and has been able to strengthen their contract because of a mutual understanding of both the Teamster’s and the company’s goals and needs.

Gatorade contract is stronger because of a strong relationship between the company and our members. Read More »