Brian Fisher

Rally for Good Jobs and Safe Streets – Can you attend?

Sisters and Brothers,

It’s no secret that the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence is reshaping entire industries. This is triggering unprecedented changes in how we live and work and threatens the livelihoods of millions of working people nationwide.
Teamster drivers are at the forefront of this fight as autonomous vehicles are rolled out across the state.
Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) on public roads with little regulation and without a human operator are fatal threats to Californians’ lives and livelihoods.
Join Teamsters and California Labor as we caravan across the state to our Capitol in Sacramento to call on Gov. Newsom to sign AB 316 to protect good union jobs and keep our streets safe.


Sacramento Capital
Sutter Health Park 
400 Ballpark Dr 
W. Sacramento, CA 95691 

Tuesday, Sept. 19 @10am 


Rally for Good Jobs and Safe Streets – Can you attend? Read More »

UPS Teamsters Ratify Historic Contract

Today, Teamsters voted by an overwhelming 86.3 percent to ratify the most historic collective bargaining agreement in the history of UPS. The five-year contract protects and rewards more than 340,000 UPS Teamsters nationwide, raising wages for full- and part-time workers, creating more full-time jobs, and securing important workplace protections, including air conditioning.

The agreement passed by the highest vote for a contract in the history of the Teamsters at UPS.

All supplemental agreements were ratified as well, except for the Local 769 LAI supplement which covers 174 members in Florida.

The national master agreement will go into effect as soon as this supplement is renegotiated and ratified. The UPS Teamsters National Negotiating Committee will immediately meet with the company to work to resolve any outstanding issues with the supplement. Upon resolution, the adjusted supplement would be voted on by respective UPS Teamsters in-person.

“Our members just ratified the most lucrative agreement the Teamsters have ever negotiated at UPS,” said Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien. “Teamsters have set a new standard and raised the bar for pay, benefits, and working conditions in the package delivery industry. This is the template for how workers should be paid and protected nationwide, and nonunion companies like Amazon better pay attention.”…/teamsters-ratify-historic-ups…/

UPS Teamsters Ratify Historic Contract Read More »

These San Jose City Council Members Have our Backs, please remember their names when it comes time to vote: Peter Ortiz – Omar Torres, and Domingo Candelas.

Sisters and Brothers,

Workers’ rights victories don’t just materialize out of thin air. There has to be pro-labor political representation in the communities we live and work, a presence of pro-labor organizations and community members willing to vote for these officials and workers who are on the job willing to stand against corporate greed.

If you live in San Jose, please remember the names of three city council members who have repeatedly gone to bat for the working community. Most recently, their fight to defend working women and men started with them publically supporting Teamster 853 members trying to unionize at Premier Recycling.

Read the whole article here:

Their fight has been publicly framed as a Union vs. Business battle. Corporate interests seeking to exploit workers, and pro-Union forces fighting for fair and livable wages and benefits.

In the most recent public fight, both Omar Torres and Peter Ortiz have accused some ‘business interests of going after them, partly because of the color of their skin.’

“These corporate interests chose to rely on racial stereotypes and dog whistles to accuse us and this movement of intimidation, bullying and even inciting violence,” Ortiz said.

Read the whole article here:

So please remember that where you are today, as a Teamster Local 853 member, your vacation, sick days, health care, pension, and wage increase, have all come with years and years of history, support, and hard-fought battles from those who came before us, and so must we step up and continue to fight the never-ending battle for good jobs in and around our communities. One easy way to contribute is to just remember the names of the politicians that stood up for us and vote for them in the future.

These San Jose City Council Members Have our Backs, please remember their names when it comes time to vote: Peter Ortiz – Omar Torres, and Domingo Candelas. Read More »

Teamsters 853 Members speak at PSLbayarea Event, “If you know someone who is not union, and wants a better future, tell them to call our organizers and Unionize your Workplace.”

Trustee Gloria Segura and UPS Santa Cruz members Lilli and Jake Thomas recently participated in a forum with PSLbayarea, where they spoke about UPSers standing up against corporate greed. They spoke on the importance of being united in order to achieve success.

“Just as importantly, we spoke of the importance of every Teamster Member who has family or friends in workplaces that are not union to reach out to them, have a conversation about unionizing their workplace, and put them in touch with our organizers,” said Gloria Segura.

Many workers and the general public doesn’t know that they are legally entitled to organize their workplace. ANYONE on the job is entitled to organize and Unionize their workplace. Many workers just need a starting place.

Teamsters 853 Members speak at PSLbayarea Event, “If you know someone who is not union, and wants a better future, tell them to call our organizers and Unionize your Workplace.” Read More »

UPS 853 Sisters and Brothers – attend the Agreement Update this Sunday, July 31, at 5 PM


Join Teamsters General President Sean M. O’Brien and General Secretary-Treasurer Fred Zuckerman for the latest updates on the historic tentative agreement for a new UPS National Master Agreement. This important webinar will follow a two-person meeting on July 31 of representatives from all 176 Teamsters locals with UPS members. The webinar will be held at 8 pm ET / 7 pm CT / 6 pm MT / 5 pm PT.

Registration is required. Register at

UPS 853 Sisters and Brothers – attend the Agreement Update this Sunday, July 31, at 5 PM Read More »

Yellow Corp Teamster 853 Members, Join this Strike Update call

ATTENTION TEAMSTERS 853 MEMBERS AT YELLOW: On Sunday, July 23 at 4:00 p.m. PST, Teamsters National Freight Director John A. Murphy will be holding another important call for members at Yellow Corp.

All members at Yellow operating companies (YRC Freight, Holland, New Penn, and Reddaway) are encouraged to attend. Pre-registration is required. Go to to sign up.

Yellow Corp Teamster 853 Members, Join this Strike Update call Read More »