Brian Fisher

Watsonville Community Hospital Teamsters are gearing up for contract negotiations Post-COVID – Time to be treated and Paid for the Heroes They Are!

Can we please give a big shout-out to our Watsonville Community Hospital Teamsters 853 members? They are gearing up for contract negotiations. This upcoming contract is important as it is the first time they bargain since COVID.

The city of Watsonville depends on these hard-working members who were at the front line of the pandemic, putting the health and safety of others ahead of their own, every day for over two years. 👉 It’s time to be treated and paid like the heroes that they are.

Watsonville Community Hospital Teamsters are gearing up for contract negotiations Post-COVID – Time to be treated and Paid for the Heroes They Are! Read More »

Teamsters Get Longtime Laz Employee’s Seniority Back

Teamsters 853 Member Ali Shabana (in vest) was laid off in June 2016 when Laz took over parking management at Kaiser, Oakland.  Laz rehired him four months later without recognizing his original seniority date of 2012. So Ali has been forced to BID with lower seniority.  

When Ali brought his circumstances to his Business Agent, James Long, they threatened a grievance against Laz.   The company then agreed to reinstate his correct seniority. Ali is now enjoying his new Bid shift.  His friend, Shokey Aliwoig(also pictured), assisted us as an interpreter during the process.   

This is an example of how things work with Teamsters Local 853 members. If you have been unjustly treated on the job, you have a voice, and we will make sure that the letter of the contract is being followed and defend you and your rights.  When Teamsters fight, Teamsters win!

Teamsters Get Longtime Laz Employee’s Seniority Back Read More »

Two Teamster Employers Connect Coincidentally in a Goodwill Effort to Support our Underprivileged Communities

853 Teamster members from two employers unexpectedly connected last week in a goodwill effort to package thousands of pounds of food for the underprivileged.

Props to Teamster 853 members from RNDC Liquors and their employer for giving members a paid day to go to another Teamster 853 company, Second Harvest. There, they worked their day to package 13,282 pounds of food to be distributed to various sites that Second Harvest serves. Their efforts resulted in 2,200 packaged meals!

Being a Teamster means you are in a family that takes care of each other and the communities that we live and work in. RNDC is a family-owned business and Second Harvest is a company whose mission is to end hunger in our communities. The Teamster 853 members who volunteered to do this work deserve recognition for making our communities better with their efforts.

Keep it up, sisters and brothers, we are all a community and you are making the world a better place.

Recognition to those Members from RNDC who made it happen - 2,200 Meals Packaged in one day!!

Ryan Rangel
Danny Gonzalez
Josie Maravillo
Jason Mickelson
Adrian Fernandez
Martin Rodriguez
Luis Del Rio
Israel Martinez
Francis Nieves
Tony Oliveri

Two Teamster Employers Connect Coincidentally in a Goodwill Effort to Support our Underprivileged Communities Read More »

AB316 Rally Bus Schedules / Departure Details / RSVP

Sisters and Brothers,

In four days, the Teamsters have a monumental opportunity to push back hard against corporate greed at a State Level. AB316 protects Teamster Jobs, makes streets safer, and puts corporate greed in check.

If you are not working this Tuesday, please join our rally in Sacramento to deliver a message to Governor Newsom to sign this bill.

We now have buses available in several locations that are leaving early Tuesday morning. Show up, jump on, wear Teamster 853 clothing, and let’s do this!!

Please click the links below and sign up to make sure your seat is saved for you.

East Bay
7 AM: Dublin - IBEW Local 595 Hall - 6250 Village Pkwy #205
8 AM: Martinez - Teamsters Local 315 Hall, 2727 Alhambra Ave
8:45 AM: Fairfield - Sheet Metal Workers Local 104 - 4350 Central Pl
San Francisco
8AM: the Bill Graham Auditorium, San Francisco
North Valley
7:30 am: NVLF Office (417 7th St. Modesto)
8am: Teamsters Local 439 (1531 E Fremont St. #5 Stockton).

AB316 Rally Bus Schedules / Departure Details / RSVP Read More »

Teamster 853 Women Leaders Attend Women’s Conference in Nashville, Gain insightful knowledge and tools to improve their work and our local

This year, the Teamsters Women’s Conference was held in Nashville, Tennesee. This event is a great opportunity for women Teamsters to partake in educational classes that will help them be better stewards and staff. There was a broad array of workshops during this multi-day event.

Workshops were held to specifically address and educate on topics of Women’s Leadership and strategies in the labor movement, Advanced Union Stewardship topics, Harassment and Crime against women in the workplace, grievances and stewards roles in the general workplace, the rise of women workers in the 21st Century, and many other valuable tools to improve our local.

The conference also had many workshops for Labor Executives to understand better their role in managing a successful local.

“This event is a great opportunity for the Women leaders at Teamsters Local 853 to step back, and evaluate their performance on the job and learn tools that will make them even better.” Said Teamsters 853 Secretary-Treasurer, Steve Beck. “I am very proud of the woman in our local who have embraced the leadership mantle, and I encourage them to be better in every way that can support their members and our local.”

The event was a considerable success and a model for women Teamsters everywhere who want to improve themselves and the members they serve.

Teamster 853 Women Leaders Attend Women’s Conference in Nashville, Gain insightful knowledge and tools to improve their work and our local Read More »

AB316: This is a big event that needs your help as a Teamster

Sisters and Brothers,

On September 19th, Teamsters all across Northern California will be attending a significant event that will push back against corporate greed and unchallenged new technology in the state of California.

For many months, Teamsters in the Joint Council 7 have spearheaded support for legislation called AB316. AB316 is legislation that will responsibly consider the impact of driverless vehicles on jobs and public safety. And stop the overreach of corporations to make money without consideration for the workers and the safety of the communities they impact.

This legislation is so vital that Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien will drive the lead truck in a caravan to Sacramento to rally California Governor Gavin Newsom to sign AB316.

So we need your help by joining us and showing up in force in Sacramento on the 19th. We expect Teamsters to come from all over the state and to have a crowd of over 1,000 participants. BUT ONLY WITH YOUR HELP!

This rally is about protecting all teamster jobs, not just drivers. When corporations come in and want to take your job, we all stand together with workers and communities instead of robots and tech billionaires.


Sacramento Capital
Sutter Health Park 
400 Ballpark Dr 
W. Sacramento, CA 95691 

Tuesday, Sept. 19th @10am 
Contact Local 853 for any questions.

If you are considering going, please let us know by signing up here:

In Union,
Steve Beck, Steven Lua, and the entire Teamsters Local 853 Staff

AB316: This is a big event that needs your help as a Teamster Read More »

Teamsters Local 853 Staff and Executives Attend Labor Day Breakfast with Rob Bonta, The Attorney General of California

Teamsters Local 853 continued its tradition of strengthening their business relationships with top California government officials. This Labor Day, the California Attorney General, Rob Bonta spoke to Teamsters in the Bay Area at the annual Labor Day breakfast in San Francisco.

California is arguably the most Pro-Union state in the Country, and we got here by electing officials who share our values to prop up the middle class with good-paying Union Jobs. So it is important to foster relationships with key State officials to help press our agenda for Unions and workers everywhere in California.

Teamsters Local 853 Staff and Executives Attend Labor Day Breakfast with Rob Bonta, The Attorney General of California Read More »

Continuing the Legacy of Those Who Came Before Us.

853 Sisters and Brothers,

Labor Day holds immense significance for Teamster members as it commemorates our union’s hard-fought victories and enduring Solidarity. This day honors the dedication of those who rallied for workers’ rights, leading to better wages, improved working conditions, and the establishment of unions. It reminds us of the power of collective action and the ongoing struggle for fair treatment in our workplaces.

Union members celebrate Labor Day not only as a moment to rest but also as a testament to their ongoing commitment to preserving and advancing workers’ rights across various industries, embodying the essence of unity and progress.

👉 It is crucial as Teamster Members to understand that our good jobs came from the struggle of so many before us. And that without regular participation in this process, our good jobs will suffer under the pressure of corporate greed and exploitation.

👉 When you celebrate your day off for Labor Day this coming Monday, please consider our past and what you might do to further our cause that so many before us started.

In Solidarity,

Steve Beck, Steven Lua, and the entire Teamster 853 Staff

Continuing the Legacy of Those Who Came Before Us. Read More »

Hallcon Drivers honored for longevity, and For being the pioneers of Shuttle Bus Organizing

Congratulations to these Hallcon drivers for reaching a significant milestone.

Last month, Hallcon honored all employees with ten years of service or more. A significant milestone, as most have worked for multiple companies in 10 years. This group of members (drivers) are part of the pioneers at Hallcon and the beginning of organizing Commuter Shuttle Drivers throughout the Bay Area. The company will continue to honor all drivers reaching their 10th anniversary with a plaque.

Below is the list of those Teamsters 853 members who were honored.

Salazar, Oscar Armando
Reyes Sanchez, Victoria
Mohammed, Kaleem A
Fu, Jason Q.
Singh, Paramjit
Chong, Phillip
Uppal, Karamjit
Huang, Zhenhong (Ernie)
King, Robert
Rivera, Domingo
Li, Junyang (John)
Sagote Jr., Alapati
Haynie, Sandra B.
Buenafe, Rodolfo O. (Rudy)

Hallcon Drivers honored for longevity, and For being the pioneers of Shuttle Bus Organizing Read More »