Golden Brands Sacramento Overwhelmingly Ratifies Contract at 92%

Roughly 125 Teamster drivers and warehouse workers at Golden Brands in Sacramento ratified their new four-year contract at 92% approval this week. Wages and Medical Benefits took center stage at the negotiating table as this was a multi-vote effort. The members rejected the company’s first proposal outright. The committee took the second set of negotiated changes back to our members, and the second vote was spot on. The members really unified behind this new proposal and were overwhelmingly satisfied.

We would like to recognize the hard work of the negotiating committee, whose members put in the extra time and effort to accurately represent our members’ interests in this contract. Without whom, this contract would not have come together.

Thank you, Zach Glorioso, Kao Saechao, Finau Peini, and Sonny Chanthavilaychit.

We also want to recognize the efforts of Teamster 853 Secretary-Treasure Steve Beck, who lent his negotiating expertise to the committee by sitting in on the final round of negotiations. Steve was successful in getting our members a significant raise, especially in year 4 of the contract.

Congratulations to Golden Brands for sticking together and securing such a good contract.