Deciding to go on Strike is somewhat like going to war and should never be taken lightly. Every exhaustible position must be tried between […]
Teamsters Local 912, now 853, was the center of the Universe in the 1980s during the Watsonville Strike – watch the Movie, March 8th
Sisters and Brothers, During a time when Ronald Reagan broke the back of the Air Traffic Controllers, Union work and protections was heavily debated. […]
Genesis Logistics Members stand Unified as contract vote comes in at a perfect 100%
Teamsters at Genesis Logistics have just ratified their new three-year contract. These warehouse workers and drivers have the task of keeping all of the […]
What Does the Union Do For Me Anyway?
These are drivers from Mosaic Global Transportation and inter-campus drivers from Meta. Due to the way the corporation has set up its business to […]
Yellow Freight Bankruptcy Update – February 11th, 2025
Yellow Freight Teamsters Members, here is the latest update published by the IBT regarding the bankruptcy.
VISTAR DRIVERS, Welcome to Teamsters Local 853
VISTAR Brothers,My name is Steve Beck, I am the secretary-treasurer and Principal Officer at Teamsters Local 853. I am responsible for leading Teamsters Local […]
UNFI Ratified historic contract with Union healthcare and pension!!! Just weeks after collecting 1.3 Million in back Pay.
Drivers at UNFI Gilroy have just secured a historic contract with the company. And just weeks after forty-two(42) UNFI Teamster members secured 1.3 million […]
Yellow Freight Bankruptcy Update – January 29th, 2025
Yellow Freight Teamsters Members, here is the latest update published by the IBT regarding the bankruptcy.
Teamsters at Bimbo Bakeries, Castroville, in negotiatins for their next conract
Pictured here are just a few of the outstanding Teamsters 853 from Bimbo Bakeries Castroville. Led by Chief Steward Louis, this group is coordinating […]
VISTAR Drivers Vote Overwhelmingly to Join Teamsters Local 853
To all Teamster 853 members, Please join us in welcoming our newest members, who just today voted to join our ranks. These 29 drivers […]
Suspected Faulty Computers Shortchange Teamster Commissions at the Coliseum in Oakland
Seven Teamsters working for The Mandate Company who run concessions at the Oakland Coliseum recently disputed their wage calculations. The source of the error […]
Genesis Logistics contract negotiations
Teamsters at Genesis Logistics are hard at work hammering out their new contract. These warehouse workers and drivers have the task of keeping all […]
Small battle, big win for 853 Members at DHL PAO, Sunnyvale
DHL Steward Darren and Business Agent James Long used a grievance along with a potential Unfair Labor Practice charge for bad faith bargaining to […]
First Transit Stanford Members Stand Unified in Contract Meeting
First Transit Stanford Members met at the San Jose Hall to discuss the current contract negotiations. We discussed a variety of topics, including wage, […]
Martin Luther King Jr.: Champion of Labor Unions and Equality for All
853 Sisters and Brothers, On this MLK day, we would like to remind you of the ties between King’s efforts and the success of […]
Yellow Freight Bankruptcy Update – January 8th, 2025
Yellow Freight Teamsters Members, here is the latest update published by the IBT regarding the bankruptcy.
Yellow Freight Bankruptcy Update – December 18th, 2024
Yellow Freight Teamsters Members, here is the latest update published by the IBT regarding the bankruptcy.
A well earned Holiday Gift – Premier Recycling Inks first contract at 100% Ratification
Courage, integrity, tenacity, grit, justice, fairness….These are all words that come to mind when speaking about the drivers at Premier Recycling, who, in 2022, […]
[application] – Teamsters Scholarship for 2025
Sisters and Brothers, If you have a child or dependent moving on to higher education this year, please consider applying for this scholarship. Details […]
[application] – James R. Hoffa Memorial Scholarship for 2025
Sisters and Brothers, If you have an eligible child or dependent, take advantage of this opportunity to lessen the financial burden of higher education. […]
Teamsters scholarships for 2025 – There is no better time to work on scholarships than the holiday break
Sisters and Brothers, Every year, the Teamsters offer several scholarship opportunities for children and dependents of Teamster members who are in good standing. Last […]
Master construction allocation settled
Business Rep and Chair of the Northern California Construction Committee Stu Helfer reports that the Northern California Teamsters Heavy, Highway, Building and Construction Committee settled their third-year allocation that increased wages and benefits by a total of $2.25 per hour. \”Over the 3-year life of this agreement, we saw wages increase by 11.67%; pension increase […]
Read MoreMembers at Kellogg\’s go into negotiations with a strike authorization in hand
By a vote of 44 to 1, the members who make all of the Eggo Waffles sold west of the Mississippi went into their contract negotiations with a strike authorization at the ready. The vote took place at a proposal meeting held on January 22 at Teamsters Local 853\’s San Jose office. \”We\’re tired of […]
Read MoreLong time coming, but master liquor agreement is a great deal
It may have taken over a year and a half, but the thousands of members across California who do sales for Southern Glazer Wine & Spirits & RNDC (formerly known as Young’s Market) ratified their richest contract to date. Local 853 alone has about 684 workers under this contract who received huge wage increases, full […]
Read MoreUnion gets 21-year UPS driver his job back
After working at UPS for 21 years, one member didn’t feel that he should have been fired for doing what other workers around him routinely did. And neither did his Business Rep, who took up the case and got him his job back. “They told me I couldn’t play music, even though we were allowed […]
Read MoreLucrative contract in cannabis industry
The 33 driver/warehouse workers at JDRC (formerly known as River Cannabis), with locations and deliveries to dispensaries across California, unanimously ratified their new three-year contract in January. \”The negotiations went well,\” says Business Rep Steve Beck. \”Things got tense at times, as all negotiations do, but calmer minds prevailed,\” Beck added, saying that this is a […]
Read MoreNew contract at Genesis is worth the fight
They say the third time is the charm, and for the members at Genesis Logistics, it took three contract offers before they finally ratified their new 18-month contract on February 16, 2022. Genesis Logistics is a Third-Party contractor that delivers to 7-11 stores from Fresno to Yuba City. Local 853 represents about 60 drivers and […]
Read MoreGreat contract at Henkel
The nine Teamsters who work at adhesive-manufacturer Henkel in Berkeley ratified their new four-year contract on February 15, and Business Rep Stu Helfer reports that it may be the best contract they\’ve ever had. While the company wanted to pull this group out of the Teamster health and welfare plan and move them to the […]
Read MoreWorking toward solutions
Every five years, an election is held for the leadership of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters. When long-time president James P. Hoffa announced his retirement, that opened the door for a rousing election between two powerful slates that took place last October. The results were announced in mid-November, and Sean O’Brien, from Boston, takes the […]
Read MoreJoin Teamsters 853 at the Sharks game
All Teamsters Local 853 members are invited to join the union on April 23 for the Sharks vs. Blackhawks game at the SAP Center in San Jose. In addition to seeing the game, the ticket price includes some cool game-related raffles for items such as: 15 lower bowl premium seats; 2 signed jerseys; and 2-4 […]
Read MoreIntroducing kids to the Teamsters
On February 1, Business Rep Jesse Casqueiro brought the Teamster truck to the Assumption School in San Leandro for a \”Community Helpers Fair.\” The kids got a chance to look around the truck and learn about how they can become good community servants and the role that Teamsters play in supporting our communities.
Read MoreLocal 853 members turn out to fight UPS part-timer pay cuts
On February 23, over 500 Teamsters from across Northern and Central California came together at UPS’ San Francisco building to protest the company\’s decision to slash wages by up to $6/hour for part-timers. The event was sponsored by the Nor Cal Teamster UPS Committee and Teamsters Joint Council 7. UPS workers and Teamster supporters came […]
Read MoreA new beginning
As I take over as Principal Officer of Local 853, having served as President of the Local for the last several years, I reflect on the brilliant leadership of Rome Aloise, who, as Secretary-Treasurer since 1992, worked to build this local into a powerhouse. He stands down now, but it will be difficult, if not […]
Read MoreMy final column
By Rome Aloise — By the end of January, I will no longer be Principal Officer of Local 853. These past 54 years as a Teamster, and 36 years serving as a Teamster official on the local, Joint Council, and International levels, have been an amazing ride. It has been the honor of my life […]
Read MoreLocal appreciates our members at 2-day event
Appreciating our members is something Local 853 has made every effort to do since 1993. This year was no exception, although like last year, the Membership Appreciation event was again a drive-thru affair due to the pandemic. But shaking things up this year, it was held on two mornings at two locations, Saturday, November 6 […]
Read MoreUPS members learn about the threat from Amazon—and what they can do about it
“Ten years ago, there were zero Amazon warehouses in California,” said Shaun Martinez, IBT, Strategic Research & Campaigns Department “Today, they’re the state’s largest employer.” Speaking at a training about Amazon for about 100 Local 853 UPS members at the San Jose Teamster office on November 13, Martinez reviewed Amazon’s growth, from bookseller to major […]
Read MoreNew Leadership Elected at IBT
After a hard-fought campaign, the votes have been counted and the O’Brien-Zuckerman Teamsters United slate has been elected by a significant margin to lead the International Brotherhood of Teamsters for the next five years. Congratulations to the new officers, particularly General President Elect Sean O\’Brien. They face numerous challenges ahead — for the Teamsters Union, […]
Read MoreNews from Around the Local
Arbitration win at First Transit The members who drive for First Transit on the Stanford Campus recently won a big arbitration. While they were set to receive the 10% split differential that tech bus drivers have, there was not clarity of when that split kicked in. The union maintained that the additional monies would start […]
Read MoreLocal trains stewards on grievance handling skills
More than 120 stewards came together at the Oakland Hilton on Saturday, October 2, to learn about how to handle grievances more effectively. Led by long-time IBT trainer Sally Payne, they got background info on their role as stewards — what\’s within their purview and what should be referred to their business rep. They also […]
Read MoreLocal sponsors BBQ for Tesla drivers
When Tesla decided to contract only with WeDriveU to manage its tech bus service, the drivers who had previously worked for Compass did not lose their jobs. Rather, as the contract stipulated, they were brought on to the same contract, merging their service with the drivers who had been with WeDriveU from the beginning. Unfortunately, due […]
Read MoreTime is NOW to vote for Teamster leadership
By now, you should have received your ballot for the International Teamsters leadership election. (If not, call 844-428-8683 for a replacement.) It\’s important to the union and to your Local that you vote. Participation rates are watched by our employers to ensure that the union has the strong backing of the membership. Our goal is […]
Read MoreWith labor push, Governor survives recall attempt
When all is said and done, the 2021 Recall Election will be seen as a colossal waste of money. Governor Newsom handily survived the attempt to oust him from office — just one year before the regularly scheduled election. When he won the 2018 election with 61%, that was considered a landslide; he beat back […]
Read MoreHundreds of jobs available at Teamster Job Fair
Local 853 was pleased to be able to sponsor our second job fair of the summer at the parking lot of our Oakland office on August 28. In all, 18 Teamster employers showed up to fill more than 350 jobs—from drivers (truck, paratransit, school bus, tech bus, and more), to warehouse workers, merchandisers, and manufacturing […]
Read MoreDespite progress, new pandemic threat imperils recovery
By Rome Aloise — Our local has made great progress over the last few months on renewed contracts. Some have come easily, others were not so easy, but all include improvements in wages, covered costs for healthcare, and where applicable, pension increases. Most of our members who were adversely affected by the COVID pandemic are […]
Read MoreLocal 912 merges into Local 853
Local 853 is pleased to welcome the 1,000 members of Watsonville-based Local 912 to the fold. The merger of the two locals was finalized in July, 2021. “We reached out to [Local 853 Secretary-Treasurer] Rome [Aloise] to see what we could do to benefit our membership,\” said former Local 912 Principal Officer and now Local […]
Read MoreLocal sponsors first-ever Teamster Job Fair
Local 853 held our first job fair on July 10 in the parking lot of our San Jose office. Over 170 job-seekers attended the event and applied for the numerous driver, warehousing, merchandiser, and manufacturing positions offered by 14 different employers. We were told that this was the first in-person job fair in Silicon Valley […]
Read MoreWorkers Before Waffles
About 30 Local 853 members who make Eggo Waffles at Kellogg’s in San Jose walked out at lunchtime on July 14 to let management know that safety matters. Local 853 had sent a cease and desist letter to the company demanding that they stop having workers and management run equipment that they are not certified […]
Read MoreWorkers hold informational picket at Macy’s flagship store
Workers at the Macy\’s warehouses in Hayward and Union City have been working without a contract and under a wage freeze since March 2020, just as the pandemic started. In that difficult year, Macy’s has cut their hours; made family medical coverage unaffordable, and has refused to cover the rising cost of medical coverage. On […]
Read MoreGovernor Newsom stands with workers — Vote NO on the recall
Recall ballots have been mailed to every California voter and are due back on September 14. Your union strongly recommends that you just vote NO and mail your ballot back ASAP. Governor Newsom deserves our support. He has led California through an unprecedented series of crises, including devastating wildfires, a national economic downturn and the […]
Read MoreOakland Beer Distributor workers ratify new 4-year contract
The 122 drivers, warehouse workers, draft technicians, order pickers, merchandisers and sales workers at AB (formerly Horizon Beverage) in Oakland ratified their four-year contract by a 72% margin in June. “The biggest issue to overcome was that the structure of pay for drivers was changed from hourly to base-plus-commission,” explained Business Rep Efren Alarcon. “They’ll […]
Read MorePERB rules for union in San Francisco case
Sometimes good news takes time! On June 14, 2021, the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) ruled in favor of Local 853 regarding a unilateral change made by the San Francisco Department of Public Works. The union had filed an unfair labor practice charge against DPW in August of 2018 alleging that the new Human Resources […]
Read MoreYouth Ride Out & Stunt Show
The Teamsters San Jose parking lot was the site of the Youth Ride and Stunt Show on Saturday, June 19. The event was held with other community activists to help at-risk youth stay off the streets and either get a union job or further their education More than 150 young people attended the event.
Read MoreState updates prevailing wage for West, South Bay
The Department of Industrial Relations ruled in favor of a Teamster petition to require the prevailing wage for ready-mix drivers who do on- and off-hauling to and from construction sites in San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties. This means that the minimum rates for this work go from $33.85 to $69.07 per hour. […]
Read MoreLaundry facility workers get union after card check agreement
A majority of the 15 drivers, janitors, and maintenance workers at Crothall Healthcare in Gilroy filed cards to show their interest in joining Local 853. These workers had a laundry list of grievances, including safety issues, favoritism, mistreatment, and lack of respect. Surprising everyone—including organizer Pablo Barrera—the company recognized the unit without having to have […]
Read MoreThe future looks bright for our last remaining dairy processing plant
The nearly 100 members at the Safeway Milk Plant in San Leandro unanimously ratified their new four-year contract on July 8. “These members worked through the pandemic, supplying milk and other products for Safeway and other brands. The company has been investing a lot of money into expanding the plant for new lines, like almond […]
Read MoreLocal hosts Job Fair in Oakland – August 28
After our highly successful San Jose job fair in July, Teamsters Local 853 is sponsoring an Oakland job fair on August 28. It will be held from 8 a.m. to Noon on Saturday, August 28 at our Oakland office parking lot: 7750 Pardee Lane. Job seekers are encouraged to bring copies of their resumé. They\’ll […]
Read MoreTeamsters host in-person job fair
Were you laid off due to the pandemic shutdowns? Do you hate your job but want to keep good Teamster wages and benefits? Do you know someone out of work? Come to the Teamster Job Fair on Saturday, July 10 (8 a.m. to Noon) and/or spread the word! Fourteen Teamster employers who collectively have more […]
Read MoreMass killing in San Jose is just too close
(May 26, 2021) This morning, a gunman killed eight Valley Transportation Agency (VTA) workers and himself at a union meeting of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 265 in San Jose. Teamsters Local 853 also has members who subcontract to the VTA. The following is a statement by Teamsters Joint Council 7 President Rome Aloise: “Fortunately, our members were safe from this horrific event. However, this is […]
Read MoreVaccines enable us to move past the pandemic
By Rome Aloise — We have all been dealing with the effects of COVID-19 for over a year now. The pandemic has had a devastating effect on many of our members and their families, with a number of our members passing away due to the virus. Many of our workplaces have been affected adversely and many members […]
Read More853 comes out in solidarity
Local 853 members who work at UPS gathered at the San Jose Giant\’s Stadium to stand in solidarity with insurance salespeople who work for AAA Insurance and are seeking union representation. According to Local 853 Busines Rep Johnny Gallegos, \”the company bought out the stadium to union-bust.\” Local 665 launched its organizing drive with the […]
Read MoreBest contract yet at Westrock
In March, the 25 members who work at Westrock, a paper and packaging company in Milpitas, unanimously ratified their first successor contract since the merger with Local 853 took place. The four-year agreement is reputed to be the best these shipping and receiving have ever approved. “The negotiating team fought long and hard with the employer to stay […]
Read MoreTeamster drivers bring community to vaccine clinic
Delivering vaccinations to low-income people has been one of the greatest challenges for public health leaders. Not only are these community members at greater risk of getting COVID, but they’re also less likely than the general population to have either online access to make appointments or the transportation to get to clinic sites. Starting on […]
Read MoreLocal urges members to get vaccinated
We have all been dealing with the effects of COVID-19 for over a year now. The pandemic has had a devastating effect on many of our members and their families, with a number of our members passing away due to the virus. Many of our workplaces have been affected adversely and many of our members have suffered layoffs […]
Read MoreStanding up for Safety
On April 19, Local 853 members who work at UPS joined union members across the state in Sacramento to call on elected leaders to support AB 701, introduced by Assemblymember Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego). This bill develops a warehousing policy aimed at decreasing worker injury and making transparent the debilitating quotas set by giant corporations, […]
Read MoreCounting votes over zoom
The pandemic has changed how many union processes are conducted, including elections and vote counting. On March 29, Business Rep Mike Henneberry and Chief Steward Vanessa Wadley counted the ballots that members who work at Zenith Administrators in Alameda submitted on the issue of restructuring and strengthening their pension plan. But this time, they did […]
Read MoreRally for Teamster jobs postponed…for now
At a time when Netflix has raked in $25 billion in revenues, up $5 billion from the previous year, the company is changing bus contractors, which may result in up to 29 Local 853 drivers losing their jobs and a lowering of wages for the replacement drivers. Local 853 is in talks with Netflix and […]
Read MorePolland/Morales Scholarship—Deadline July 1
Please see the link below for information about the Joint Council 7 Scholarship Program. Scholarships are available to the children and grandchildren of active Local 853 members who are in good standing and will be based on a combination of academic achievement, school and community service, and financial need. In addition to completing the application […]
Read MoreLocal\’s Union Hall becomes vaccine clinic for a day
Local 853’s Oakland union hall was turned into a vaccine clinic on Saturday, March 27. The Alameda County Central Labor Council, a co-tenant in our building, brought together their affiliated unions to do outreach to their members. In all, 430 union members were excited to get the Johnson & Johnson “one and done” vaccine. “This […]
Read MorePresident makes forceful statement in support of union representation; Teamsters respond with pride and hope
In a remarkable video statement supporting the right of workers to join unions, recorded on February 28, President Biden has completely upended not only his predecessor but almost every president over the last century. The statement was released as nearly 6,000 workers at an Amazon warehouse in Alabama are voting in a union representation election. […]
Read MoreAfter push by union, paratransit drivers are deemed \”first responders\” – eligible for COVID vaccine
Since the pandemic began, paratransit drivers who transport the sick, the elderly, and the disabled in small buses have been at great risk for COVID. After a plea from Teamsters Union and the San Francisco paratransit company TransDev, the City and County of San Francisco agreed that these workers should be considered “first responders” and […]
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