Member Advocacy

United States Department of Labor Secretary, Julie Su, meets with Gillig and Teamsters 853 members – lauds positive partnerships between Union and company

In a visit to GILLIG this week, Labor Secretary Julie Su’s organization tweeted, “Our clean energy transition needs strong partnerships, including between workers and management.  Happy to meet with GILLIG to see their facility creating zero-emission buses, talk about their labor-management partnership, and see the benefits of employing unionized workers.”

The Biden Administration is focused on furthering its commitment to Unions across America as a pathway to worker success. This visit, and many others like it, further solidifies their commitment.

It was a rare opportunity for members of Teamsters Local 853 to meet with a high-level government official from the Department of Labor. Stewards Robert Terry, Erik Vancil, Lyle Funderburk, and Lupe Pinedo put their best foot forward as they represented our Teamster family and the strong partnership between GILLIG management and their Union workforce.

Teamsters 853 members at GILLIG are coming off a stunningly good contract in their recent negotiations, which is a testament to forward-looking companies like GILLIG, who are leading the future in the zero emissions American Built busses. They recognize the true value of a Unionized workforce.

“We are so proud of these members who are being singled out as an example to the country and unions everywhere of what a union workforce can contribute on a national level. They earned this with their consistent commitment to their work,” said Steve Beck, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 853. “We are also aware that regardless of political affiliation, Teamsters Local 853 is willing to work with whoever is in office if they are expanding and strengthening unions across our State and the country.”

Also present for the meeting were Teamsters Local 853 Vice President Ray Torres and Recording Secretary Mike Henneberry.

United States Department of Labor Secretary, Julie Su, meets with Gillig and Teamsters 853 members – lauds positive partnerships between Union and company Read More »

Teamsters Win Battle in the Robotaxi War

Sisters and Brothers,

Over the past weeks and months, the Teamsters in the Bay Area have been focusing on the growing danger that the Robotaxi and autonomous driving vehicles technology poses to Teamsters’ jobs and public safety.

We had the big rally in Sacramento to bring attention to AB316 legislation to Governor Newsom’s attention, and most recently, the rally at the SF Cruise Headquarters to draw public attention to the threat of this unvetted technology being pushed by corporate greed.

And although we don’t win every battle, as evidenced by Governor Newsom’s veto of AB316, it’s the constant pressure and willingness to keep fighting that keeps big tech power in check and under the scrutiny of the public eye.

And, it’s this effort that allows us to claim victory in a battle in this war. Last week, the California DMV, which has oversight over autonomous vehicle development, suspended all RoboTaxi permits in San Francisco, where they were being allowed to be tested. Stopping the entire program, with immediate effect.

It’s a lesson that we continually learn: if you, as a Teamster, come out and support our causes along with Teamster 853 staff, we slow or stop the momentum that corporate greed creates. So, we want to publically acknowledge all the sisters and brothers who made the effort to come out to a rally, support the preparation, or spread the word to keep awareness of our causes in the public eye. You make this victory possible, and without your help and participation, we cannot succeed.

“Something that some of our newer members may be just learning is that when it comes to political action, our union is not always about what our staff can do for our members, but it is what our members do for each other.” Said Steve Beck, Teamster 853 Secretary-Treasurer, “I’ve said it many times: ITS YOUR UNION, and participation at this level is a way to take ownership of your Union and help each other out.”

Stay tuned to this space as we continue to stay active in the interest of our Teamster members.

In Union,

Steve Beck, Steven Lua, and the entire Teamster Staff

Teamsters Win Battle in the Robotaxi War Read More »

These San Jose City Council Members Have our Backs, please remember their names when it comes time to vote: Peter Ortiz – Omar Torres, and Domingo Candelas.

Sisters and Brothers,

Workers’ rights victories don’t just materialize out of thin air. There has to be pro-labor political representation in the communities we live and work, a presence of pro-labor organizations and community members willing to vote for these officials and workers who are on the job willing to stand against corporate greed.

If you live in San Jose, please remember the names of three city council members who have repeatedly gone to bat for the working community. Most recently, their fight to defend working women and men started with them publically supporting Teamster 853 members trying to unionize at Premier Recycling.

Read the whole article here:

Their fight has been publicly framed as a Union vs. Business battle. Corporate interests seeking to exploit workers, and pro-Union forces fighting for fair and livable wages and benefits.

In the most recent public fight, both Omar Torres and Peter Ortiz have accused some ‘business interests of going after them, partly because of the color of their skin.’

“These corporate interests chose to rely on racial stereotypes and dog whistles to accuse us and this movement of intimidation, bullying and even inciting violence,” Ortiz said.

Read the whole article here:

So please remember that where you are today, as a Teamster Local 853 member, your vacation, sick days, health care, pension, and wage increase, have all come with years and years of history, support, and hard-fought battles from those who came before us, and so must we step up and continue to fight the never-ending battle for good jobs in and around our communities. One easy way to contribute is to just remember the names of the politicians that stood up for us and vote for them in the future.

These San Jose City Council Members Have our Backs, please remember their names when it comes time to vote: Peter Ortiz – Omar Torres, and Domingo Candelas. Read More »

Teamsters 853 Members speak at PSLbayarea Event, “If you know someone who is not union, and wants a better future, tell them to call our organizers and Unionize your Workplace.”

Trustee Gloria Segura and UPS Santa Cruz members Lilli and Jake Thomas recently participated in a forum with PSLbayarea, where they spoke about UPSers standing up against corporate greed. They spoke on the importance of being united in order to achieve success.

“Just as importantly, we spoke of the importance of every Teamster Member who has family or friends in workplaces that are not union to reach out to them, have a conversation about unionizing their workplace, and put them in touch with our organizers,” said Gloria Segura.

Many workers and the general public doesn’t know that they are legally entitled to organize their workplace. ANYONE on the job is entitled to organize and Unionize their workplace. Many workers just need a starting place.

Teamsters 853 Members speak at PSLbayarea Event, “If you know someone who is not union, and wants a better future, tell them to call our organizers and Unionize your Workplace.” Read More »

An ask from Teamsters 853 Leadership. Every penny helps these Amazon Members. Do not be embarrassed to donate as little as $1. It helps.

Sisters and Brothers,

Members in Southern California have been fighting with Amazon to bargain, and as most anti-union companies do, they are stalling to negotiate a contract. They have used every tactic possible, and these members refused to budge. They need our help. Please donate to support these members who are taking on a more significant fight than just Southern California Amazon. They are fighting for all workers in Amazon facilities nationwide to organize for a better future and BECOME TEAMSTERS! Your donations will go towards bridging the gap of lost wages during a strike against Amazon for better working conditions. Every penny helps. Do not be embarrassed to donate as little as $1. It helps.

Follow this link to donate by secure Act Blue:

or Donate by Secure Act Blue by scanning this code and donating.

In Union,
Steve Beck  
Teamsters Local 853

An ask from Teamsters 853 Leadership. Every penny helps these Amazon Members. Do not be embarrassed to donate as little as $1. It helps. Read More »

I’m just one member of Teamsters Local 853, What can I do?

Sisters and Brothers,

For the entire time you will be a Teamsters 853 member, you will hear from the leadership to get involved with your union. We throw out slogans like “We are stronger together”, and “Strength in numbers”.

But what does it really mean to get involved with the Teamsters 853 union? What can one member do to help. And how does that effort translate into helping our members or working women and men in general?

Three new members make a huge impact.

This is the story of Three Premier Recycler members in San Jose who stood up to testify to the San Jose City Council on wage theft. Their testimony contributed to convincing several council members to aggressively and publically stand up to Premier Recycle and advocate specifically for the workers and their contract.

Roughly a year ago, Premier Recycle workers in San Jose voted to unionize their workplace as Teamster 853 members. For the past year, Premier Recycle has employed standard union-busting tactics to stall a Union contract from moving forward. The longer they stall, the better it is for them.

So recently, Teamster 853 members Alex Obeso, Ramon Castillo, and Mike Flores from Premier Recycle, along with Business Agent Jesse Casqueiro and Vice President Ray Torres, took the opportunity to make statements to the San Jose City Council on wage theft in their industry.

Around the same time, a letter was written on behalf of three of the San Jose city council members to the company that owns Premier Recycle. This excerpt sums up the tone of the letter.

“We are well acquainted with the strategies you are all implementing to intimidate your workers from organizing and ensuring a quality workplace. We have heard concerns of safety & wage theft claims, falsification of votes, unwarranted surveillance and a general environment of hostility, division and divisiveness among other unfair labor practices.
Let it be known that we take jeopardizing the wellbeing of working families as a personal issue. The resilience and strength of San José is built upon the labor of the working-class. This is an understanding that many of our Council colleagues share. ”

San Jose Councilmember, Peter Ortiz

Read the whole letter from three San Jose council members to the owners of Premier Recycle.

This is the power of participation of just three members of Teamsters Local 853, who stepped up and decided to get involved. Their actions resulted in securing strong allies in government who will advocate for workers everywhere. 

So when you say, “I’m just one member of Teamsters Local 853, what can I do?” We say a lot!!! Now you know just one way members can change things for the better.

There are also simple ways to get involved in your union.

Teamsters are stronger together. Get involved in your Union, and make a difference!

Teamsters Local 853

I’m just one member of Teamsters Local 853, What can I do? Read More »