Brian Fisher

Teamster 853 Business Agents and union officials fly to Virginia to show our support for the Teamster’s effort to organize Costco locations nationwide

This month, in Virginia, COSTCO employees did something no COSTCO location has done in 20 years. They voted to join the Teamsters.

Nationally, many workers at COSTCO believe that the corporate culture has been changing for the worse. This change has made it more difficult to get good jobs with good benefits at COSTCO. So, the only option workers have to improve their situation is to begin to organize at COSCOs around the nation.

Enter Teamsters Local 853. Our local represents a large segment of COSTCO employees in California and we wanted to show our support for the success Sean O’Brien and Teamsters Local 822 had in their organizing drive. This event has become the spark that will light the fire at COSTCO locations nationwide. It is a rallying cry for all those workers who need representation.

Vice President Ray Torres, Recording Secretary Mike Henneberry, and Business Agent Cesar Martinez from Local 853 were present to show support and meet with others, including Sean O’Brien, to discuss organizing COSTCO locations around the country in more granular terms.

Stay tuned to this space as we bring you more updates on the progress of this very significant initiative.

Teamster 853 Business Agents and union officials fly to Virginia to show our support for the Teamster’s effort to organize Costco locations nationwide Read More »

MV Transporation Convenes Contract Enforcement Meeting

Way to go, sisters and brothers; this is how you strengthen your group.

MV Transportation members came out to the Teamsters Local 853 hall in San Jose this Saturday for a Contract Enforcement meeting. The group discussed Weingarten’s rights and rights to representation, the Grievance procedure, and NLRB violations.

When everyone knows the protections that the Union provides, every member can advocate for a better work environment with the protections of our contract in their back pocket. Bravo! 👏👏👏

MV Transporation Convenes Contract Enforcement Meeting Read More »

Rey Polhen from S. Martinelli

Teamsters Local 853 would like to extend our condolences to the family of Rey Polhen who worked as a Teamster for 40+ years at S. Martinelli.

Rey was known to be kind, friendly, and loved cracking jokes. Every year during the holiday, Rey would stop by the Teamsters Watsonville office to drop off S. Martinelli’s cider for the staff.

Rey is survived by his wife of 59 years Maxine and his three children Rommel, Patrick, and Krystle, his grandchildren Azareil,Jeremiah, and Kaitlin, as well as his family in the Philippines. He is predeceased by his oldest daughter Marichel.

If you would like to express your sympathies, send flowers or attend his services you can get all of the details here:

Rey Polhen from S. Martinelli Read More »

Local 853 hosts CTWI fundraiser – keeping Union Labor involved in our major Bay Area Projects

The Construction Trades Workforce Initiative(CTWI) held a fundraiser and mixer at Local 853 last week. CTWI is an important organization that works to ensure the long-term sustainability of the construction industry by bridging the gap between union construction labor and key stakeholders.

Teamsters Local 853 is part and parcel of the inner workings of many organizations like CTWI that keep Unions front and center when work is being done in the Bay Area.

“These functions are very important to members at Local 853”, Said Teamsters 853 Secretary-Treasurer Steve Beck, “we as an organization have to continually advocate for our members and make sure Union workers are used in as many projects as possible.”

Local 853 hosts CTWI fundraiser – keeping Union Labor involved in our major Bay Area Projects Read More »

Teamsters Hispanic Caucus Scholarships Available – Deadline July 26th

Sisters and Brothers,

Every year the California Teamsters Hispanic Caucus awards scholarships to:

Deserving High School Seniors Graduating this year,

Who are:
A Daughter or Son of an active Teamster whose dues are current with his/her Local Union;

And are:
Attending or have been accepted by an accredited University, College or Trade School.

If you are a member in good standing and have a Daughter or Son who is eligible, download the application here:

Teamsters Hispanic Caucus Scholarships Available – Deadline July 26th Read More »

Stewards and Members Lead the way in SF City and County Bargaining

Teamsters Local 853 represents a large unit of truck drivers (Class 7355’s) and track maintenance supervisors (7251’s) employed by the City and County of SF. Bargaining for a new contract for these members began in January.

From the onset of bargaining in the new year 853 members at the city made it clear that they were going to demand their worth in negotiations. They were backed up 100% by their stewards and that position was reiterated in every single bargaining session with the city. This along with the restoration of the right to strike by the public employees relations board got the city’s attention and led to a fully recommended settlement.

On April 29 the members votes were tallied, 80% of the unit voted and 91% voted yes. Given the uncertainty surrounding San Francisco’s budget this new contract will give Teamsters economic security through the next three years. If the solidarity evidenced at the table this round is present in future years that security will last for contracts to come.

San Francisco City Teamsters worked side by side Teamster Local 856 members, members of the consolidated crafts, SEIU, IFPTE, Machinists and Transport Workers and some seventeen other unions to bring this contract home. Rudy Gonzalez from the building Trades, Larry Mazolla from UA Local 38 and members of the general wage increase committee should be commended for their unflagging support. This contract is a perfect example of how working together creates wins.


Stewards and Members Lead the way in SF City and County Bargaining Read More »

It is with deep sympathy and condolences to the family of 24-Year Teamster William “Scott” Proud

Teamsters Local 853 would like to recognize and offer our deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of 24-Year Teamster William “Scott” Proud, whose sudden passing has shocked and saddened us all.

William was just one block away from getting to work at DHL when he was struck and killed by a car. 

According to friend and DHL Steward Stephen DiNitto, William was known at DHL for being a great Teamster, always willing to give a helping hand to whoever needed it. He will be missed by everyone.

William’s obituary stated that he was a man of his word who considered it an honor to serve others and help anyone in need. His compassion and kindness for all knew no boundaries and came with no judgment or restrictions. 

He leaves behind his three children (Carrilyn, Nikolli and Noelle), other family, friends and loved ones.

William “Scott” Proud will be commemorated at a Celebration of Life on:

SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2024, 12:00 PM
at BlackBerry Farm Park
10120 Adelheid Ct.
Cupertino, CA 95014

For additional information, contact Catherine Proud – 408-391-5259

It is with deep sympathy and condolences to the family of 24-Year Teamster William “Scott” Proud Read More »

Golden Brands Sacramento Overwhelmingly Ratifies Contract at 92%

Roughly 125 Teamster drivers and warehouse workers at Golden Brands in Sacramento ratified their new four-year contract at 92% approval this week. Wages and Medical Benefits took center stage at the negotiating table as this was a multi-vote effort. The members rejected the company’s first proposal outright. The committee took the second set of negotiated changes back to our members, and the second vote was spot on. The members really unified behind this new proposal and were overwhelmingly satisfied.

We would like to recognize the hard work of the negotiating committee, whose members put in the extra time and effort to accurately represent our members’ interests in this contract. Without whom, this contract would not have come together.

Thank you, Zach Glorioso, Kao Saechao, Finau Peini, and Sonny Chanthavilaychit.

We also want to recognize the efforts of Teamster 853 Secretary-Treasure Steve Beck, who lent his negotiating expertise to the committee by sitting in on the final round of negotiations. Steve was successful in getting our members a significant raise, especially in year 4 of the contract.

Congratulations to Golden Brands for sticking together and securing such a good contract.

Golden Brands Sacramento Overwhelmingly Ratifies Contract at 92% Read More »

Douglas Parking Teamsters at Stanford Hospital sit for an Issue Meeting.

We give you the fine gentleman from Douglas Parking at Stanford Hospital. These Teamster 853 members are critical in making sure people have a safe way to travel around the campus and hospital.

 “I have the pleasure of getting to know these members on a personal level,” said Business Agent David Crawford, “knowing and understanding our members this way is the best way we can effectively address their issues. We are building a community based on trust and mutual understanding, so when we need each other to stick together, we are already most of the way there.”

At the meeting we discussed a variety of topics, including sick pay, vacation entitlements, and how to build better relationships and communication between the union and the company so that we all may benefit. 

Thank you, Brothers, for putting the time in to make things better.

Douglas Parking Teamsters at Stanford Hospital sit for an Issue Meeting. Read More »