
Local 853 Costco Members Ratify Best Contract Yet

On Friday, March 7, Local 853 Costco Teamsters and Costco Teamsters across the country ratified a new three-year contract. The agreement includes wage increases, a twenty-two percent pension increase, premium increases, improved vacation, and, critically, a provision to make it easier to organize non-union employees for enhanced power at the bargaining table.

The approval of the agreement comes after months of arduous negotiations that took place all over the country, as is appropriate for a national agreement. In addition, rallies were held coast to coast, including a practice picket at the Hayward Business Center that brought together members from across Northern California.

Local 853 Costco Teamsters stood up and fought like they always do and ended up with the best contract in retail. Congratulations to all the members who made this win possible.

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Genesis Logistics Members stand Unified as contract vote comes in at a perfect 100%

Teamsters at Genesis Logistics have just ratified their new three-year contract. These warehouse workers and drivers have the task of keeping all of the Seven-Eleven convenience stores in the Bay Area stocked. The warehouse picks, preps, and loads, and drivers deliver all the goods to stores as far north as Yuba City, east to Sacramento, and a little south of Fresno.

The contract had no takeaways, meaning nothing was lost from the previous contract. There were significant gains in wages and benefits, as well as increased protections in the language of the contract.

The negotiating committee really deserves credit for keeping the group together,” said Business Agent Efren Alarcon; “the vote was unanimous, and he secured a full recommendation. Special thanks to Steward Pete Hall, Steward Miguel Muñoz, and Steward Trent Rivera. 100% votes is very uncommon and shows the strength of this new three-year contract. Very well done.”

Let’s all get behind these Teamsters for a job well done and for sticking together to secure a strong future.

Pictured from left to right are Michael Vasquez, Driver & Member; Jim Borden, a 31-year Teamster; and 25-year Teamster & Steward Peter Hall.

Genesis Logistics Members stand Unified as contract vote comes in at a perfect 100% Read More »

Genesis Logistics contract negotiations

Teamsters at Genesis Logistics are hard at work hammering out their new contract. These warehouse workers and drivers have the task of keeping all of the Seven-Eleven convenience stores in the Bay Area stocked. The warehouse picks, preps, and loads, and drivers deliver all the goods to stores as far north as Yuba City, east to Sacramento, and a little south of Fresno. These members keep us fueled up when we’re on the road.

Pictured left to right on the negotiating committee are Steward Pete Hall, Steward Miguel Muñoz, and Steward Trent Rivera. Thank you for your hard work and for keeping your members’ needs front and center.

Stay tuned as we report the results. Let’s all give a shout to these Teamsters; go get that good contract!!!

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A well earned Holiday Gift – Premier Recycling Inks first contract at 100% Ratification

Courage, integrity, tenacity, grit, justice, fairness….These are all words that come to mind when speaking about the drivers at Premier Recycling, who, in 2022, voted for union representation. They courageously stood up for their rights in the face of a very combative employer.

So today is a very special day. We are proud to report that the members at Premier Recycling have ratified their first contract at 100%. We couldn’t be more excited to see these drivers get their first contract, their back pay, and a bright future ahead of them. They are the heroes in this story. Grinding it out, day after day, as they put their trust in each other and in Teamsters Local 853. What a holiday gift to everyone who has ever stood up for fairness and integrity on the job.

“Employers should take note when they see their employees organize and step into their offices to address their issues as a collective.” said Premier Steward Ramon Castillo. “Ignoring issues regarding the safety and treatment of the workers is what led us to unionize this company. By no means was this easy, especially when an employer has the money, union busters, and resources to try and exhaust the pro-union supporters into giving up. The more we were told we would never win, the more determined we became with our solidarity.” “True solidarity was these members really standing with us even when all three stewards were removed from the job. Teamster brothers George Ochoa, Ernie DeLatorre, Jose Lopez, Dante Funtila, Rafael Quiniones, Armando Aguilar, Ken Stewart and Albert Velasco. Thank you!!”

This was truly an all-hands-on-deck effort by the entire labor community.

As it proves, time and time again, if you are a company that decides to act in bad faith with a legally formed union group, you will lose. Every time. End of story.

We would like to especially recognize our Premier Recycling stewards, Mike Flores, Alex Obeso, and Ramon Castillo. These members went through extraordinary efforts to build the base on which their membership stood.

We also want to recognize the entire labor community, the JC7, and all the Bay Area Labor Councils and Bay Area Building Trades who stood behind these workers by authorizing picket actions, denouncing Premier Recycling’s anti-union actions, and ending the company’s ability to perform pro-union labor agreements. This kind of pressure on the company was simply undeniable and very taxing.

And would be remiss not to acknowledge the tireless efforts of Business Agents Jesse Casqueiro, James Long, our union attorney Abel Rodriguez, and Teamsters Local 853 Vice President Ray Torres, who graciously stepped in at the eleventh hour to push our negotiations over for the win.

So now that we have a contract in place, we want these Teamsters to thrive on that next contract. That means recognizing that the company came to terms with a union workforce. And it’s now in the interest of all of the above-mentioned parties to support Premier Recycling as a Union entity. We dust ourselves off from our disagreement and support every effort to make Premier a successful business for the sake of our members and good business practices in our communities.

To all the Teamster 853 members at Premier, Happy Holidays!!! Welcome to the fight and to the Teamster family.

Below is just some of the history behind this contract.

Full Quote from Ramon Castillo, Premier Recycling Steward:

Employers should take note when they see their employees organize and step into their offices to address their issues as a collective. Ignoring those issues regarding the safety and treatment of the workers is what led us to unionize this company. By no means was this easy, especially when an employer has the money, union busters, and resources to try and exhaust the pro-union supporters into giving up. The more we were told we would never win, the more determined we became with our solidarity. Workers were shamed, family’s were effected and livelihoods. In the end, our resilience prevailed. Gracias to the Teamsters Local 853: Steve Beck, Ray Torres, the business agents Pablo Barrera, Jesse Casqueiro, James Long, and union attorney Abel Rodriguez. Another big gracias to San Jose councilman Peter Ortiz for his support. I’m proud to have led this battle with my brothers, Michael Flores and Alex Obeso. Workers look like us too, whether anyone likes it or not. Last but not least thank you to the membership my Teamster brothers George Ochoa, Ernie DeLatorre, Jose Lopez, Dante Funtila, Rafael Quiniones, Armando Aguilar, Ken Stewart and Albert Velasco for their full commitment from beginning to end. I couldn’t have asked for a more solid team. Someone once told us at this company we could get fired for anything because the company wasn’t Union. Thank you because it only motivated us. Contract in place and Si La Hicimos!

Video Created by the Members

A well earned Holiday Gift – Premier Recycling Inks first contract at 100% Ratification Read More »

Second Harvest members crush new contract. 100% Ratification with significant gains across many areas.

Sometimes you just get it right. A non-for-profit whose sole purpose is to provide for underprivileged communities. Teamster workers who put in the time and work to enable that company to succeed and thrive in its mission.

It wasn’t exactly that way at the beginning of negotiations for this contract; however, after many, many, many hours of hard work that the Teamster 853 members and negotiating committee put in with Second Harvest management, a relationship developed. What emerged was a positive culture of working with each other instead of against each other.

The result was a great contract for our members and a motivated workforce for the company.

This contract was inked with a unanimous 100% approval of the members, securing a very substantial wage increase, Teamsters Benefits Trust medical, signing bonuses, seniority language for all start times, added holiday pay, added safety language and driver protections, and added strike language.

“This is what it looks like when everyone on both sides is doing the right thing for the right reason.” Said Business Agent, James Long. “It was a process of coming together for the benefit of all”. “Big shout out to the members on the negotiating committee, Bill Hockaday, Rudy Muniz, and Daniel Jacques. They were spot on from start to finish”.

Congratulations to all the 853 members at Second Harvest.

Second Harvest members crush new contract. 100% Ratification with significant gains across many areas. Read More »

Kelly Spicers overwhelmingly approves new three year contract with best increase in wages they have ever received

Congratulations to the Teamster 853 Members at Kelly Spicers, who ratified a new three-year contract. The contract included the best increases in wages ever received over the three years, a good increase in pension, improved sick leave, “shift premium” and “specialty skills” increases, and maintenance in health benefits. Pictured are Stewards Oscar Perlia and Francisco Munoz, who were part of the negotiating committee that secured this deal.

“Our stewards and members did a great job bringing the most important concerns and needs to the table,” Said Business Agent Lyle Funderburk, “and getting such a strong vote meant that those needs were met.”

Kelly Spicers overwhelmingly approves new three year contract with best increase in wages they have ever received Read More »

Golden Brands in San Jose ratifies new four-year contract at overwhelming 98% approval!

This week Golden Brands in San Jose enjoyed the fruits of their labor. They prepared well, participated greatly throughout the entire proposal process, and stuck together. And the end result is a whopping 98% approval vote for this new four-year contract.

“The stewards, negotiating committee, and all of the Golden Brands members who put their effort into this negotiation deserve the credit for a very well-run effort,” Said Vice-President Ray Torres, “this is how we win, be smart, prepare, and stick together.”

Golden Brands in San Jose ratifies new four-year contract at overwhelming 98% approval! Read More »

Six months of work come to fruition with the 100% ratification of these Teamsters at Watsonville Community Hospital

This Tuesday evening, the teamsters at Watsonville Community Hospital held a ratification meeting, and they voted unanimously to accept the new contract offer.
This has been a long-running affair. Three years ago, the Hospital was in financial trouble under previous leadership, preventing substantive increases for its employees at that time. However, things have changed as the Hospital is now under new leadership and ownership.

“We spent six months working to improve wages and benefits for our members and came out successful in our efforts.” said Teamster 853 President Steven Lua, “This road has been long and winding. Congratulations to these members. They have really earned this victory!”

Teamsters helping Teamsters in Santa Cruz and Monterey County: The history of how Parajo Valley community residents teamed up with Teamsters Local 853, other locals, politicians, and community leaders to save the Watsonville Community Hospital.

The Watsonville Community Hospital is the go-to facility for many residents in the Parajo Valley community. A community made up of parts of Santa Cruz County to the north and Monterey County to the south. This hospital has been a mainstay in the community. In 2022, the “for-profit” hospital filed for bankruptcy and faced a shutdown, which would have been a devastating loss to the community. So Local Unions, including Teamsters Local 853, several area politicians, and community advocates, successfully lobbied to create a specific Parajo Valley Health District to carve out funding to publically save and run the hospital. And in 2022, the bill was signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, and the hospital was saved.

The very same Parajo Valley community is home to many Teamster 853 food processing and warehousing workers. These Teamster 853 women and men process and pack the fruits and vegetables in Watsonville for brand names like Green Giant and Driscolls. That food is then shipped all across the country.

So today we not only celebrate this great new contract for the Watsonville Community Hospital Teamsters, but also the success of the lobbying to keep the hospital running and supporting a community that so many other Teamster 853 members live and work in.

If you are a Monterey or Santa Cruz County resident who voted to approve the funding measure in the last election, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your role in strengthening this community of Teamsters.

Six months of work come to fruition with the 100% ratification of these Teamsters at Watsonville Community Hospital Read More »

Golden Brands Sacramento Overwhelmingly Ratifies Contract at 92%

Roughly 125 Teamster drivers and warehouse workers at Golden Brands in Sacramento ratified their new four-year contract at 92% approval this week. Wages and Medical Benefits took center stage at the negotiating table as this was a multi-vote effort. The members rejected the company’s first proposal outright. The committee took the second set of negotiated changes back to our members, and the second vote was spot on. The members really unified behind this new proposal and were overwhelmingly satisfied.

We would like to recognize the hard work of the negotiating committee, whose members put in the extra time and effort to accurately represent our members’ interests in this contract. Without whom, this contract would not have come together.

Thank you, Zach Glorioso, Kao Saechao, Finau Peini, and Sonny Chanthavilaychit.

We also want to recognize the efforts of Teamster 853 Secretary-Treasure Steve Beck, who lent his negotiating expertise to the committee by sitting in on the final round of negotiations. Steve was successful in getting our members a significant raise, especially in year 4 of the contract.

Congratulations to Golden Brands for sticking together and securing such a good contract.

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