Union Business

Lux Bus Drivers Welcome to a better future for you and your family

This is Tracy Kelley from Teamsters Local 853. Congratulations on taking the first step to a better future. And welcome to the battle between you, the Lux Bus drivers, and the big business trying to stop you from getting the benefits and pay you deserve for the work you do.

We want to recognize you and encourage you to speak out and reach for something better at your job. Many of you have invested years of service at Lux Bus, and you deserve more. Now is your chance to speak out.  Rule number one: Give yourself a voice at this job.

It has come to our attention that Lux Bus has employed a common tactic by hiring a high-priced Union Buster company to help with their anti-worker, anti-union campaign against you.

So, I’m sure by now you may feel confused, doubtful, and maybe a little scared about unions. That’s their job. To create fear and make you doubt yourself so you don’t vote YES.

So, we want to set the record straight and give you the correct information to make an informed decision about how you can secure a much better future for you and your family.

Meeting Notice

We are having an in-person meeting next week on Saturday, October 5th, at our San Jose Union Hall at 10 AM at 1452 North Fourth Street, San Jose, CA 95112.

Here are some things we will discuss at the meeting.

  • You’re being paid below the prevailing wage for the work you do.
  • Your health care is too expensive and not compensated at nearly the level that Union companies get in your field.
  • Your retirement 401K and pension options are not up to industry standard; this is very uncommon.
  • Why has Lux Bus put you behind the 8-ball and strung you out for three years without a raise – this would not ever happen with a Union Contract.

We don’t want to overwhelm you, so I will say just please attend the meeting on October 5th. We can really dive into these deficits you are in and how we can get you the pay, benefits, and job protections you rightly deserve for the work you do.

Please watch your email and texts; we will send you more information a few more times before the meeting to give you more understanding and background of this life-changing decision you are embarking on.

Those of us who work this job have seen how Unions have made the lives of so many workers better, and it’s our mission to bring this success to as many working people as we can.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time if you have questions or concerns.  My cell number is ‭+1 (415) 425-3439‬,  or you can email me at tkelley@teamsters853.org. I am available to you.


Tracy Kelley,

Teamsters Local 853

Lux Bus Drivers Welcome to a better future for you and your family Read More »

Teamster 853 union officials support Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien and Congressman Adam Schiff and the Recent NLRB ruling for Amazon workers

Amazon. The company has grown so fast that no single organization or government agency has been able to keep up. Among the large transport and delivery companies like UPS, FedEx, and DHL, Amazon is widely known for providing their drivers and warehouse workers with wages and benefits below industry standards.

Consequently, all eyes are on the Teamsters organization nationally as they prosecute the case to organize this industry juggernaut.

One of the major ways Amazon has been able to get around paying their employees prevailing wages and benefits is by hiding behind subcontractors. Amazon contracts with smaller delivery companies established specifically to deliver for Amazon, but since these smaller companies are considered contract workers, Amazon is not required to consider them direct employees, and the job protections that come with this arrangement.

Recent NLRB Bombshell Ruling in Favor of Amazon Workers

President Biden’s appointed NLRB board has recently ruled that Amazon’s sleight-of-hand workaround is no longer legally binding to hide behind. In a recent ruling, the NLRB(National Labor Relations Board) has said that regardless of the middleman contract worker status, Unions can now treat these subcontractors as direct employees of Amazon and, therefore, can pursue organizing from a much stronger position for these workers.

So when the Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien and Congressman Adam Schiff did a joint media event to mark this new ruling, Teamsters Local 853 answered the call.
Teamsters 853 President Steven Lua, Vice President Ray Torres, and Recording Secretary Mike Henneberry joined them to show our support for these Amazon workers and this larger national strategy.

The importance of bringing equity and fairness to such a large part of the warehouse and delivery community in the United States cannot be understated. These workers deserve better, and the Teamsters are fighting to bring it to them.

Stay tuned to this space as we bring you more updates on the progress of this very significant initiative and how it will impact the Amazon workers right here in the Bay Area.

Teamster 853 union officials support Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien and Congressman Adam Schiff and the Recent NLRB ruling for Amazon workers Read More »

MV Transporation Convenes Contract Enforcement Meeting

Way to go, sisters and brothers; this is how you strengthen your group.

MV Transportation members came out to the Teamsters Local 853 hall in San Jose this Saturday for a Contract Enforcement meeting. The group discussed Weingarten’s rights and rights to representation, the Grievance procedure, and NLRB violations.

When everyone knows the protections that the Union provides, every member can advocate for a better work environment with the protections of our contract in their back pocket. Bravo! 👏👏👏

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United States Department of Labor Secretary, Julie Su, meets with Gillig and Teamsters 853 members – lauds positive partnerships between Union and company

In a visit to GILLIG this week, Labor Secretary Julie Su’s organization tweeted, “Our clean energy transition needs strong partnerships, including between workers and management.  Happy to meet with GILLIG to see their facility creating zero-emission buses, talk about their labor-management partnership, and see the benefits of employing unionized workers.”

The Biden Administration is focused on furthering its commitment to Unions across America as a pathway to worker success. This visit, and many others like it, further solidifies their commitment.

It was a rare opportunity for members of Teamsters Local 853 to meet with a high-level government official from the Department of Labor. Stewards Robert Terry, Erik Vancil, Lyle Funderburk, and Lupe Pinedo put their best foot forward as they represented our Teamster family and the strong partnership between GILLIG management and their Union workforce.

Teamsters 853 members at GILLIG are coming off a stunningly good contract in their recent negotiations, which is a testament to forward-looking companies like GILLIG, who are leading the future in the zero emissions American Built busses. They recognize the true value of a Unionized workforce.

“We are so proud of these members who are being singled out as an example to the country and unions everywhere of what a union workforce can contribute on a national level. They earned this with their consistent commitment to their work,” said Steve Beck, Secretary-Treasurer of Teamsters Local 853. “We are also aware that regardless of political affiliation, Teamsters Local 853 is willing to work with whoever is in office if they are expanding and strengthening unions across our State and the country.”

Also present for the meeting were Teamsters Local 853 Vice President Ray Torres and Recording Secretary Mike Henneberry.

United States Department of Labor Secretary, Julie Su, meets with Gillig and Teamsters 853 members – lauds positive partnerships between Union and company Read More »

Lets do this right Now

Today is your day. Your ballot should have arrived by now at your house.

There is a reason why so many truck drivers in our Country are in a union, because they know its life changing for the better.

So no matter how much attention, and begging. and insincere letters they send you now that you have them scared, the fact is that if you vote UNION YES, you have just secured a better life for you and your family.

Corporations are beholden to their shareholders and are required to maximize profits. That is what you are up against. They see you as a source of profit so they want to cut your pay and benefits. Without a Union contract, you are against the shareholder without any way to push back.

So VOTE YES and mail your ballot back today, right now.

Need proof? It’s right here: teamsters853.org

Look at our website and see what we do day in and day out. On the home page are stories of what we do and the victories we win EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Let’s do this together, and knock it out of the park, and let those shareholders and management know you are worth more than they will ever give you willingly.

Ray Torres and the entire Teamster Local 853 staff and the 13,000 members we represent.

Lets do this right Now Read More »

Teamsters 853 knows what is fair and what is not because we represent The four largest companies in the food service industry! They all get better pay, benefits, and job protection than non-union employees.

The reason why the company will never pay you what you are worth without the Union is because they can divide you one at a time, and you will never know how much you left on the table. And you have no leverage if you don’t act as one group.

But we do. The Teamsters know exactly how much is on the table, and we will get it for you just like all of the drivers from all these other Food Delivery Driver companies.

Listen to Marcus From PFG in Gilroy. They went Union and just got their first contract this March, which was very good for wages, benefits and job protections. In the end, 100% of the drivers voted for the contract- it was that good!!

  • This Driver, Marcus, at PFG in Gilroy explains how they got a great wage increase which was a given because they acted as a group, but the contract was more important because it gives them rights and protections on the job they never had before to hold management accountable.
  • He also saw how the company tried to grab a few drivers and treated them really well to stop the Union, but in the end, even those drivers voted YES for their unbelievably good contract.
  • The company outright lied to their face, but it didn’t work.
  • Look at other operations that have gone Union in the Bay Area
  • Significant improvements in benefits, wages, and job protection were all there for these drivers, and they can be for you, too!!

Teamsters 853 knows what is fair and what is not because we represent The four largest companies in the food service industry! They all get better pay, benefits, and job protection than non-union employees. Read More »

Give it a Rest US Foods

US Foods Drivers in Tracy

The Union has a heart. It is not like the mindless corporations we battle, whose only goal is to maximize profit at your expense.

They want you to squabble about outdated penny fees and unlikely strikes so you don’t hear this:
– Union employees get paid better, period!
– Union employees get better health care, period!
– Union employees get better pensions, period!
…and straight-up Union employees don’t have to take crap from their employers anymore on the job or be subject to harassment or termination without cause because you will finally be protected on the job.

So, let’s set the record straight.
-You will not pay any initiation fees because we don’t enforce that
-You will not be forced to do any disciplinary activities because we don’t do that in our modern Union
-You won’t pay any union dues until you have a contract
-In the extremely unlikely event that a strike is considered, the members always get a vote on whether or not to strike, period.

And the company doesn’t want you to know this because if you VOTE UNION YES, then they can’t keep robbing you of your fair wages and benefits.

Take it from those who know and the drivers they support

Give it a Rest US Foods Read More »

US FOODS TRACY – Signup Cards and new videos from drivers


We are crushing it right now and want to go out on a grand slam. If you know anyone left that you work with who has not signed a Union card, please forward this web page to them and ask them to sign it by clicking below and filling out the form.

Also, more US Foods Drivers have taken the time to record messages to you. Take a look, listen to what they have to say, they have all been there.

See these New US Foods drivers videos! not only from US Foods Drivers in California but also from US Foods drivers from Teamsters Local 104 in Arizona. Take it from those who have been through it! Stick together, and you will make a better life for yourself and your coworkers!

US FOODS TRACY – Signup Cards and new videos from drivers Read More »

US Foods Livermore Negotiating Updates

US Foods Drivers Group in Livermore,

We have a lot of movement going on right now regarding your progress and wanted to give you some updates.

  1. Your election has been recognized and certified by the NLRB(National Labor Relations Board.)
  2. We have assembled a bargaining committee of some of your fellow workers and have been in discussion.
  3. US Foods management has agreed to begin negotiating with your group this coming March.
  4. We will be announcing a proposal meeting for all US Foods Drivers in the next few weeks to discuss and submit a proposal to the company. This is where we all discuss what you want from the company. Then, we will draw up a formal proposal. 

Please stay tuned, and please attend the proposal meeting when we announce it to ensure you have your say and are informed of our progress.

In Union,

Ray Torres, Vice-President, Teamsters Local 853

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