
Gillig Members Fill the House to Capacity and Ratify Historic Contract.

Yesterday, Gillig bussing members showed up in force and overwhelmingly voted to ratify their new contract. It was the highest percentage ever for a ratification vote for this group at 97%. The Gillig membership made it clear that they stand together with one another and Local 853’s leadership moving into the future.

“This contract was a model for how I feel great contracts are completed.” Said Secretary-Treasurer Steve Beck. “Our members were heavily involved and wanted to work through it. We went line for line on this contract, so nothing was left to chance.”

“I also want to recognize that without the full participation of our steward committee, we would not have had the level of success we achieved. They were critical in many aspects of this contract. I want to express my respect and high regard for these members because they did it smartly and together, the Union way!”

Gillig Members Fill the House to Capacity and Ratify Historic Contract. Read More »

New Smart and Final Owners, Grupo Commercial Chedraui, from Mexico, Engages in worker exploitation. fires two entire Union warehouses of employees, then forces them to re-apply at a lower wage to keep job.

Imagine if you were on the job, and one day management just fired everyone, then said you can apply for the same job at a lower wage in a new location. This is exactly what happened at Smart and Final when Grupo Commercial Chedraui from Mexico purchased Smart and Final. These workers demand their jobs be guaranteed at just wages and with a union contract! Without representation from a Union, this kind of blatant injustice and disrespect for employees would go unchallenged.

Teamsters 853 Staff Leaflets six(6) Bay Area Locations. Gilroy, San Mateo, Redwood City, Daily City, Hayward, and Fairfield: So it’s our job to spread the word about how Smart and Final treats their employees. Teamsters Local 853 have now engaged in a first line of defense called leafletting. Simply standing out in front of Smart and Final locations and letting shoppers know what has happened to the Union workers at the company. California is arguably the most Union-friendly state in the country, and informing shoppers to make better choices when shopping for their groceries will get traction from Californians.

So if you shop at Smart and Final or know friends and family who do, send them this article and spread the word. Right now, the new owners of Smart and Final are not respecting their employees for the vital work they do. Just the opposite, they are acting in a completely undignified and exploitative way, treating them like a disposable resource. Spread the word; the more people that know, the faster we can get justice for these workers.

Pictured: Teamsters 853 Business Agents Cesar Martinez, Efren Alarcon, and Gloria Segura, along with Vice-President Ray Torres and organizer Juanita Smith fanned out in the Bay Area to bring awareness to these workers’ cause by leafletting Smart and Final.

New Smart and Final Owners, Grupo Commercial Chedraui, from Mexico, Engages in worker exploitation. fires two entire Union warehouses of employees, then forces them to re-apply at a lower wage to keep job. Read More »

Graniterock and Las Animas voted unanimously to ratify new contract

Graniterock and Las Animas Concrete voted unanimously to ratify a new contract. The new offer provided a 40 percent economic increase over the term as well as full maintenance of benefits and guaranteed OT on Saturdays. Members stuck together and got it done, and now they reap the rewards of solidarity.

Pictured are also members from Teamsters Local 890, another great local, along with 853 members.

Graniterock and Las Animas voted unanimously to ratify new contract Read More »

PFG Livermore, Just 4 days to go for a better future, see how PFG Gilroy is Paving their Future

Stewards – Oscar and Greg are starting negotiations with PFG Gilroy – PFG Gilroy members’ future is simply going to be better!! Wages, Health Care, 401K Pension, safe and fair working conditions….its all on the table now!!

PFG Livermore

When speaking to your employer or their union busters, here are the questions they don’t want you to ask. They are running a scam to convince you to back down so they can keep going to the bank on your hard work!!!

PFG Livermore, Just 4 days to go for a better future, see how PFG Gilroy is Paving their Future Read More »

Greif in Morgan Hill Ratifies New Contract with best Pay Raise they have Ever Seen

Greif in Morgan Hill ratified a very strong new three-year contract with the best pay raises they have ever seen.

“We pushed negotiations to the limit; the committee stood strong with a wealth of knowledge.” Said Vice-President Ray Torres.
“These members received the highest wage increase they’ve ever seen, maintained their Health & Wellfare, and new bid language that our members will all benefit from.”

These members did a great job sticking together and negotiating smartly and aggressively—way to go Teamsters 853 members at Greif.

Greif in Morgan Hill Ratifies New Contract with best Pay Raise they have Ever Seen Read More »

ABF members at Local 853 are ready for the fight! Read the contract update here.

The Teamsters National Freight Industry Negotiating Committee met last week with ABF Freight to continue negotiations for a new national agreement to succeed the ABF NMFA which expires on June 30.
Progress was made on a number of supplements. At the national table, the parties discussed significant issues including the union’s objection to any inward facing cameras and in-cab monitoring and the union’s objection to the use of autonomous equipment. The union also presented its initial economic proposals to the company. The parties are meeting again this week in Kansas City to continue negotiations.

Read the Official Letter

ABF members at Local 853 are ready for the fight! Read the contract update here. Read More »

a great day. After having to be off work the last month during the Pajaro Valley floods, Driscolls Teamsters are back to work.

As many of us know, the flooding in the Pajaro Valley has been devastating to the Agriculture business and the workers who support that industry.

This past week, Driscolls workers in Watsonville returned to work after being off for a full month due to the floods.

Welcome back, Driscolls Sisters and Brothers.

a great day. After having to be off work the last month during the Pajaro Valley floods, Driscolls Teamsters are back to work. Read More »

S. Martinelli & Co Holds First Contract Proposal Meeting

A contract proposal meeting for S. Martinelli & Co was held this past weekend. “This is a contract where inflation hit us hard because we had negotiated the previous agreement during Covid.” Said Ralph Campos, Business Agent for Teamsters Local 853.

“The members are ready and eager to do what is necessary to achieve a new contract with wages that reflect the hard work they do in the bottling world known as S. Martinelli juice and cider. As proud as they are to work for a good employer like S. Martinelli, they are even more proud to be Teamsters when it comes down to being United in an effort to boost their current contract.” Said Steven Lua, President of Teamsters Local 853.

“We begin negotiations in May.”

S. Martinelli & Co Holds First Contract Proposal Meeting Read More »

UPS Members, April 21st Update – Please Sign Up Here for Future Updates

Last week General President Sean O’Brien put out a statement that National would not begin to bargain until all supplements are complete. The NorCal committee had the week of April 10th as the 3rd and final week scheduled for negotiations but we have to make this a priority for our members. We met on Monday April 17th as a committee and have continued negotiations throughout the week with our Chairman Mark Hawkins and Local 70 S/T Marty Frates leading the charge from Washington DC. We are working diligently and through late hours because that is what our members deserve. We continue into in-person negotiations next week with NorCal in hopes of accomplishing a completed supplement.

An important update will follow next Friday, April 28th.

Please sign up below to stay tuned for more updates, and planned parking lot meeting dates in May for San Jose, Sunnyvale, and Santa Cruz. The fight is just getting started.

UPS Members, April 21st Update – Please Sign Up Here for Future Updates Read More »