Brian Fisher

What a weekend it was for Teamsters 853 Members as we celebrated member appreciation in Oakland and San Jose

This past weekend, Teamsters Local 853 celebrated the heart and the power of our Union, you, our members.

On Saturday and Sunday, we united to celebrate and culminate a year of success. We have achieved the strongest and most lucrative contracts in many years, largely because of the hard work that all of you, our members, have done to lead, to stick together, and to put in the time.

As Teamsters Local 853 officials, business representatives, and staff, we hold ourselves responsible for maintaining the respect and dignity that has been fought for by our founding sisters and brothers and those who will continue to push the envelope in the future. We’re focused on educating our members so they can defend themselves when push comes to shove and, most importantly, to enforce the merits of our collective bargaining agreements. Every effort we make as an organization is done to provide you with a better future because you deserve the best we have to offer. The dignity and respect that strong union representation brings.

So this past weekend was a great showing of what our local is made of. Our members came out from dozens of different industries and had an opportunity to see that their sisters and brothers were all filled with joy and to partake in our membership appreciation celebration.

From hot dogs, music, and prizes to face painting and a little Elvis Presley sighting, we enjoyed celebrating YOU. As we close the chapter this year and get ready for 2025, we want to thank all Teamsters 853 members for always showing the love, support, and positive energy that makes Teamsters Local 853 a great Union. We are eager to continue the good fight, and we look forward to doing it alongside our sisters and brothers.

Teamsters Local 853

What a weekend it was for Teamsters 853 Members as we celebrated member appreciation in Oakland and San Jose Read More »

We shouldn’t forget how many Teamsters were on the front line during the pandemic, like these members at Bimbo Bakery

Pictured here are the hard-working Teamsters members of Bimbo Bakeries In Sunnyvale. While this building may not have the numbers or get all of the glory that larger buildings get, they provide an essential service to the community. It is often forgotten that during the pandemic, these dedicated members were out on the front lines, making sure that the shelves in your local supermarket were fully stocked.

At a time when uncertainty and unrest were at an all-time high, these Teamsters members stayed vigilant and focused on their jobs, all while knowing that their health and safety were at risk. So next time you are out and about, and you happen to see one of these drivers, thank them and remember that they are an important part of the food provided to this country.

We shouldn’t forget how many Teamsters were on the front line during the pandemic, like these members at Bimbo Bakery Read More »

Victory – California legislature passed SB399, giving workers and unions a big win! But there’s more to do.

California Worker Freedom from Employer Intimidation Act (Act) is to take effect on January 1, 2025, and Teamsters Local 853 was there in Sacramento to help make it happen.

The new California law prohibits mandatory employer meetings regarding labor organizations, which are known as captive audience meetings. Specifically, an employer is prohibited from subjecting or threatening to subject an employee to discharge, discrimination, or retaliation because the employee declines to attend an employer-sponsored meeting or refuses to listen to any communications with the employer or its agents where the purpose is to communicate the employer’s opinion about religious or political matters which includes labor organizations. An employer who violates this section shall be subject to a civil penalty of five hundred dollars ($500) per employee for each violation.

“This law prevents employers from punishing their employees for not attending forced anti-union meetings,” said Teamsters Local 853 President Steven Lua, “It’s legislation that will really help combat worker intimidation during union drives, and with the number of organizing drives on our plate, it is a welcome weapon to our arsenal.” “but there are still ways that companies can retaliate, so the end goal is legislation that makes anti-union meetings completely illegal,” added Steven. “Our job is not done here until we see that happen in future legislation.”

Teamsters Local 853 would like to recognize the two State Senators who introduced this legislation. In this election season, it’s important to recognize and vote for these pro-union, pro-worker politicians in California.

Bill introduced by State Senator Aisha Wahab

Bill co-authored by California State Senator Maria Elena Durazo

Pictured is Teamsters 853 Business Agent James Long, who, along with peers from Teamsters Local 2785, Teamsters Local 150, and Teamsters Local 350, spent their day walking the halls of the State Capitol building talking to politicians about the importance of this bill.

Victory – California legislature passed SB399, giving workers and unions a big win! But there’s more to do. Read More »

Lux Bus Drivers Welcome to a better future for you and your family

This is Tracy Kelley from Teamsters Local 853. Congratulations on taking the first step to a better future. And welcome to the battle between you, the Lux Bus drivers, and the big business trying to stop you from getting the benefits and pay you deserve for the work you do.

We want to recognize you and encourage you to speak out and reach for something better at your job. Many of you have invested years of service at Lux Bus, and you deserve more. Now is your chance to speak out.  Rule number one: Give yourself a voice at this job.

It has come to our attention that Lux Bus has employed a common tactic by hiring a high-priced Union Buster company to help with their anti-worker, anti-union campaign against you.

So, I’m sure by now you may feel confused, doubtful, and maybe a little scared about unions. That’s their job. To create fear and make you doubt yourself so you don’t vote YES.

So, we want to set the record straight and give you the correct information to make an informed decision about how you can secure a much better future for you and your family.

Meeting Notice

We are having an in-person meeting next week on Saturday, October 5th, at our San Jose Union Hall at 10 AM at 1452 North Fourth Street, San Jose, CA 95112.

Here are some things we will discuss at the meeting.

  • You’re being paid below the prevailing wage for the work you do.
  • Your health care is too expensive and not compensated at nearly the level that Union companies get in your field.
  • Your retirement 401K and pension options are not up to industry standard; this is very uncommon.
  • Why has Lux Bus put you behind the 8-ball and strung you out for three years without a raise – this would not ever happen with a Union Contract.

We don’t want to overwhelm you, so I will say just please attend the meeting on October 5th. We can really dive into these deficits you are in and how we can get you the pay, benefits, and job protections you rightly deserve for the work you do.

Please watch your email and texts; we will send you more information a few more times before the meeting to give you more understanding and background of this life-changing decision you are embarking on.

Those of us who work this job have seen how Unions have made the lives of so many workers better, and it’s our mission to bring this success to as many working people as we can.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me at any time if you have questions or concerns.  My cell number is ‭+1 (415) 425-3439‬,  or you can email me at I am available to you.


Tracy Kelley,

Teamsters Local 853

Lux Bus Drivers Welcome to a better future for you and your family Read More »

Teamster 853 union officials support Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien and Congressman Adam Schiff and the Recent NLRB ruling for Amazon workers

Amazon. The company has grown so fast that no single organization or government agency has been able to keep up. Among the large transport and delivery companies like UPS, FedEx, and DHL, Amazon is widely known for providing their drivers and warehouse workers with wages and benefits below industry standards.

Consequently, all eyes are on the Teamsters organization nationally as they prosecute the case to organize this industry juggernaut.

One of the major ways Amazon has been able to get around paying their employees prevailing wages and benefits is by hiding behind subcontractors. Amazon contracts with smaller delivery companies established specifically to deliver for Amazon, but since these smaller companies are considered contract workers, Amazon is not required to consider them direct employees, and the job protections that come with this arrangement.

Recent NLRB Bombshell Ruling in Favor of Amazon Workers

President Biden’s appointed NLRB board has recently ruled that Amazon’s sleight-of-hand workaround is no longer legally binding to hide behind. In a recent ruling, the NLRB(National Labor Relations Board) has said that regardless of the middleman contract worker status, Unions can now treat these subcontractors as direct employees of Amazon and, therefore, can pursue organizing from a much stronger position for these workers.

So when the Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien and Congressman Adam Schiff did a joint media event to mark this new ruling, Teamsters Local 853 answered the call.
Teamsters 853 President Steven Lua, Vice President Ray Torres, and Recording Secretary Mike Henneberry joined them to show our support for these Amazon workers and this larger national strategy.

The importance of bringing equity and fairness to such a large part of the warehouse and delivery community in the United States cannot be understated. These workers deserve better, and the Teamsters are fighting to bring it to them.

Stay tuned to this space as we bring you more updates on the progress of this very significant initiative and how it will impact the Amazon workers right here in the Bay Area.

Teamster 853 union officials support Teamsters General President Sean O’Brien and Congressman Adam Schiff and the Recent NLRB ruling for Amazon workers Read More »

Our Teamster Family all over the Bay Area and Beyond

To our Bay Area Teamster Family. Teamsters Local 853 has members at over 300 companies who work all over the Bay Area. These members hustle like you do, put in the work like you do and are proud teamsters working toward a better future for all working people like you do. Take a moment to recognize each other. Whether you know each other or not, we are all working towards the same goal. Bringing fairness, equity, and dignity to the vital work we do for our communities.

And to all the Teamsters around the country who are part of our extended family. If you ever visit Northern California, know that you are welcome and have family here!! Let’s go, Teamsters!!!

Our Teamster Family all over the Bay Area and Beyond Read More »

Labor Day – The battle between the rich and the working class – How FDR(Franklin D. Roosevelt) Changed everything for Unions in 1937

In the 1920s and 30s, union membership had been decreasing significantly for decades. The gap between the rich and middle class was at a high point in history for that time period. It was a time when the rich were able to exploit workers almost unrestricted. Federal laws protecting workers’ rights to Unionize were weak, with little real ability to force companies to follow labor protection laws.

Enter FDR

Historically, Franklin D. Roosevelt was widely considered the second-best president of the United States, only behind Abraham Lincoln. He shepherded our country through WW2 and the Great Depression and, as part of his New Deal agenda, passed some of the most significant laws in history to protect and lift up the middle class.

These laws gave Americans the rights and the tools to even out the wealth gap and provide more fairness between workers and companies.

As part of this “New Deal,” FDR signed into law the single most impactful pro-union legislation in history. It was called the Wagner Act, which gave real teeth to enforce workers’ rights and push back at corporate exploitation.

As a result, unions experienced a massive increase in membership in the late 30s, 40s, and 50s, and they were arguably responsible for building the middle class in America.

Labor Day 2024

So today, on Labor Day 2024, Teamsters Local 853 would like to commemorate FDR for what he did for working women and men in America. And for fundamentally giving Teamsters and every other Union the rights and protections to thrive.

But, more is needed at this point in history.

It’s easy to get nostalgic about a time eight decades ago as a great era for Unions, but we would be remiss in pointing out that corporate exploitation of workers has been increasing since the 1960s, and Union membership has been declining since then as a result. But there is hope. Over the past three years, we have lived in a resurgence of union support, largely due to our current presidential administration. President Biden is widely known and accepted as the most pro-Union president since Franklin Delano Roosevelt. So we are privileged to currently live in an era where we are beginning to reverse many decades of worker exploitation. You probably see it in all the record contracts of the past three years. We hope that eighty years from now, unions will look back fondly and speak of the two great presidents for Labor. One of which presided in our time.

Teamster 853 Sisters and Brothers, Enjoy your weekend and take pride in the work you do and the point in history we, as Union members, occupy. Most of all, join us in respecting all those who came before us, giving us the wages and job protection that help keep the goals of a strong middle class alive.

Teamsters Strong, Teamsters Proud

Labor Day – The battle between the rich and the working class – How FDR(Franklin D. Roosevelt) Changed everything for Unions in 1937 Read More »

Celebrating our Teamster Children – Second scholarship awarded to Claire Porter

This summer, three Teamster 853 children were lucky enough to be the recipients of scholarships funded by our local. One of these students is Claire Porter.

Claire is the stepdaughter of RNDC employee and Teamster member Kathryn Ingram. Claire is in her last year at CSU Fresno studying kinesiology. Claire wrote an essay on the importance of Unions in the United States. She expressed her belief in unions and her first-hand experience witnessing the benefits that unions have brought to healthcare workers.

She also has multiple family members who enjoy the retirement benefits of their union work, and she expressed her admiration for her stepmom, who, while working in a male-dominated industry, is able to get equal pay as a woman due to the Teamster contract.

You can read her entire essay here:

On behalf of all the Teamsters at Local 853, we are proud to support the children of our members and give them funds to further their education as they gain the tools and knowledge to be successful in their adult careers.

Celebrating our Teamster Children – Second scholarship awarded to Claire Porter Read More »

Golden Brands in San Jose ratifies new four-year contract at overwhelming 98% approval!

This week Golden Brands in San Jose enjoyed the fruits of their labor. They prepared well, participated greatly throughout the entire proposal process, and stuck together. And the end result is a whopping 98% approval vote for this new four-year contract.

“The stewards, negotiating committee, and all of the Golden Brands members who put their effort into this negotiation deserve the credit for a very well-run effort,” Said Vice-President Ray Torres, “this is how we win, be smart, prepare, and stick together.”

Golden Brands in San Jose ratifies new four-year contract at overwhelming 98% approval! Read More »

Not so fast, Tony’s Fine Foods, we will take our jobs back with full back pay and benefits

Aurelio Mendoza and Ivan Gonzalez are Tony’s Fine Foods stewards who were instrumental in moving the organizing drive forward for their group. So when this group voted UNION YES, what did the company do? They tried to terminate the employment of Aurelio and Ivan on some trumped-up charges. How surprising.

Under the law, this is called retaliation, and it is illegal in the United States.

So despite the company’s best efforts to intimidate these members, we are happy to announce that, yes, the law is on our side. And with the help of Teamsters Local 853 under the guidance of Vice President Ray Torres, Aurelio and Ivan are both back to work with full back pay and back benefits.

And as a general rule, if you are an employer and illegally terminate key union members who also sit on the contract negotiating committee, you have just made extremely motivated enemies of the company. And they are going to bring that energy to the negotiating table and the company will pay the price for such an abuse of power.

Not so fast, Tony’s Fine Foods, we will take our jobs back with full back pay and benefits Read More »