UPS Norcal Negotiation Update for June

The NorCal committee’s last bargaining session with the Company was on June 6th. The company remains unwilling to bargain over individual proposals and has maintained their position that the only way to get a potential tentative agreement is if the Union will accept the company’s current package deal. There are very few items currently on the table to bargain over, and most of the proposals could be agreed to by both parties if they were not attached to a package deal. (Take it or leave it mentality of UPS!) 

Members of the NorCal committee that are on the National Negotiating committee have not attended National Negotiations since May 5th. The instructions from General President Sean O’Brien and General Secretary Treasurer Fred Zuckerman have been for the NorCal committee to remain at home to finish the NorCal Supplement negotiations. While the NorCal Committee is looking forward to participating in the National Negotiations, we will remain steadfast while we attempt to finish the NorCal agreement. 

The NorCal committee will not be held hostage by UPS and its tactics to try to make NorCal agree to a package deal. The NorCal committee made it extremely clear to the Company on June 6th that we are willing to continue bargaining the contract when the Company agrees to bargain over individual proposals. As of today, the Company has not changed their position. As soon as UPS decides to take these negotiations seriously and bargain in good faith over individual proposals, the NorCal Committee will continue meeting with the Company to negotiate.