The reason why the company will never pay you what you are worth without the Union is because they can divide you one at a time, and you will never know how much you left on the table. And you have no leverage if you don’t act as one group.
But we do. The Teamsters know exactly how much is on the table, and we will get it for you just like all of the drivers from all these other Food Delivery Driver companies.
Listen to Marcus From PFG in Gilroy. They voted Union YES and just got their first contract this March, which was very good for wages, benefits, and job protections. In the end, 100% of the drivers voted for the contract- it was that good!!
- This Driver, Marcus, at PFG in Gilroy, explains how they got a great wage increase, which was a given because they acted as a group, but the contract was more important because it gave them rights and protections on the job they never had before to hold management accountable.
- He also saw how the company tried to grab a few drivers and treated them really well to stop the Union, but in the end, even those drivers voted YES for their unbelievably good contract.
- The company outright lied to their face, but it didn’t work.
- Look at other operations that have gone Union in the Bay Area
- Significant improvements in benefits, wages, and job protection were all there for these drivers, and they can be for you, too!!