Stewards and Members Lead the way in SF City and County Bargaining

Teamsters Local 853 represents a large unit of truck drivers (Class 7355’s) and track maintenance supervisors (7251’s) employed by the City and County of SF. Bargaining for a new contract for these members began in January.

From the onset of bargaining in the new year 853 members at the city made it clear that they were going to demand their worth in negotiations. They were backed up 100% by their stewards and that position was reiterated in every single bargaining session with the city. This along with the restoration of the right to strike by the public employees relations board got the city’s attention and led to a fully recommended settlement.

On April 29 the members votes were tallied, 80% of the unit voted and 91% voted yes. Given the uncertainty surrounding San Francisco’s budget this new contract will give Teamsters economic security through the next three years. If the solidarity evidenced at the table this round is present in future years that security will last for contracts to come.

San Francisco City Teamsters worked side by side Teamster Local 856 members, members of the consolidated crafts, SEIU, IFPTE, Machinists and Transport Workers and some seventeen other unions to bring this contract home. Rudy Gonzalez from the building Trades, Larry Mazolla from UA Local 38 and members of the general wage increase committee should be commended for their unflagging support. This contract is a perfect example of how working together creates wins.
