Please Support Union Workers and Rally with Us on October 24th 

Sisters and Brothers,

When Governor Newsom vetoed AB316, a bill that would have protected Union Jobs and put corporate greed in check, Teamsters do what they have always done. Continue the fight at a different angle. Because we only lose when we stop fighting. So we continue using our considerable voice for working women and men in California to stand up for what is right.

In that spirit, the next battle has been chosen at the San Francisco Headquarters of RoboTaxi Company, Cruise.

On Oct. 24, Cruise, a robotaxi company backed by GM, Honda, Microsoft and others, will release their 3rd quarter earnings and we want a big crowd outside to tell them and their shareholders to put PEOPLE OVER PROFITS! Our families and communities should not be used as lab rats for corporations to profit.

If you think you can make it, please sign up here so we can best plan for this rally.

In Union,
Steve Beck, Steven Lua, and the entire Teamsters Local 853 Staff


9:00 am Tuesday, Oct. 24

333 Brannan St.(Stanford Alley)

San Francisco, CA 94107