Niko Glafkides was awarded one of Three 853 Scholarships this Summer

“This is one happy kiddo.  Please let everyone know how thankful our family is for the scholarship.” wrote Niko’s mom, Stacie.

Niko Glafkides took home a $500 scholarship from Teamsters Local 853 for his first year attending Boise State. Niko, the son of Gillig employee Dennis Glafkides, wrote a paper on the importance of Labor Unions. Niko has a very unique and real-world perspective on the importance of Unions, as he is the son, grandson, and great-grandson of Union members. Yes, three previous generations, all Union members.

“Scholarships are a great opportunity for the local to celebrate and support our members’ children’s future. This year, Teamsters Local 853 decided to give out three scholarships to further these students’ education,”  said Teamster President Steven Lua. “It’s a high point in our summer.”

So join us in congratulating Niko and wishing him the best of luck in his freshman year.