
Vote as if your future depends on it – it does!


By Rome Aloise — 

You should already have received your 2020 ballot. If you haven’t yet voted, please do so as soon as you can. Use the Guide in this newsletter and see our local recommendations at

This edition of Connections is mostly about the election and your union’s recommendations for candidates and propositions. Some of you follow these recommendations without fail, and some, unfortunately, ignore them.

I want you to know how and why your union goes about formulating recommendations and taking positions. We have a team that joins other unions in each county to vet and interview candidates for every office. We question them about their positions on the issues that impact workers and their unions. Our job is to let you know which politicians, based on their records in current and previously-held offices, reflect their support for the issues that affect YOU AND YOUR FAMILIES.

We need office holders to develop and support laws that protect what we negotiate, and protect you while you are working, including health and safety, workers compensation, lunches and breaks, and more.

You should vote to protect your ability to provide for your family first, last, and always. As a member of Teamsters Local 853, I would hope that you will not, like many workers, vote for candidates and propositions that you are told are against your best interests.

Let’s look at the current administration in Washington, D.C. I’ve lost count of how many negative changes to the National Labor Relations Act have been implemented. NOT ONE OF THESE CHANGES benefits those of us who work for a living. They all benefit the employers.

Our current President lied to workers about how he was going to help them. He has appointed employer-side lawyers to the Labor Board and they are systematically stripping the protections for workers, one by one. The Supreme Court, which had already undermined long-standing laws that protected the strength of unions, will now get more anti-worker and anti-union with the newest appointments.

These laws directly impact you, as someone who works hard to support a family, and who depends on your union to ensure you are protected and are compensated at a level that is second to none for what you do.

Here in California, our top priority is to defeat Proposition 22, which is nothing more than very rich companies paying enough money to convince the public to allow them to write their own labor laws. Plain and simple.

While Uber, Lyft, Doordash, and “gig” companies like them make life convenient for everyone, this convenience should not be on the backs of the drivers and workers. These companies just don’t feel like paying their workers minimum wage, workers comp, unemployment insurance, social security, and all of the other social protections that we have. To make matters worse, they want the rest of us to pay for all of this out of our own pockets and out of the taxes we pay.

They want you to believe that they cannot operate if their employees are actually employees covered by the law. However, this is a big lie! The drivers can have both flexibility and the protections that they deserve under the law. There is no magic to this; it is just that these corporations want to continue to pocket more profits by cheating their workers and the public.

Whatever you do, VOTE NO ON PROP 22!

Vote as if your future depends on it – it does! Read More »

Statement on the death of George Floyd


From that momentous day in 1968 when Teamster President Jimmy Hoffa stood with Martin Luther King in support of the Memphis garbage strikers, the Teamsters Union has not only stood with Black leaders, but has fought to be all inclusive, making equal pay for equal work, regardless of race, creed, gender or sexual orientation, a cornerstone of what we are about. This is where Teamsters gain their strength.

What happened to George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police is murder, and that is what the officer was belatedly charged with. It boggles my mind, however, that the other officers who participated in that murder of this Black man who was lying face down on the asphalt, handcuffed, trying to breathe with a knee on his neck for nearly nine-minutes, have not been arrested for the same crime. These officers, who have a sworn duty to “protect and defend,” didn’t attempt to stop it, in fact, they helped hold Mr. Floyd down until life itself drained from his body; yes, they participated in the act and should be held accountable. …

Statement on the death of George Floyd Read More »

Update on COVID-19 for all Teamster members


By Rome Aloise — 

We have put together a special edition of the Local 853 Connections to make sure you are getting information from your union that, given the current circumstances, is as helpful and timely as it can be.

We are experiencing unprecedented and historic times. None of us have seen anything like this and hopefully, we won’t have to experience it again. The threat of COVID-19 is something that many of us didn’t really take seriously at first. As the virus spreads, and our political leaders started to acknowledge its seriousness, our world, as we know it, has experienced incredible changes.

Many of our members are working long hours making sure essential items are in place for the general public and for medical facilities. Our sisters and brothers are, in some cases, putting themselves in harm’s way to make sure they are providing the service that they were hired to do, and stepping up in these uncertain times. Many have worked so many hours that when they are off of work, and trying to get the necessities for themselves and their families, everything is gone. They are truly heroes.

In fact, Governor Newsom acknowledged the Teamsters Union and our members for doing extraordinary work. We have been successful in getting many of the companies that are still open and deemed “essential” to give some type of hazard pay or bonuses while our members are faced with these extraordinary demands. …

Update on COVID-19 for all Teamster members Read More »

Thank You, Teamsters!

A Message from Local 853 Secretary-Treasurer Rome Aloise

Local 853 members are in many cases working harder and longer to make sure the general public is taken care of during these trying times.

Some work with the public like our Costco members, trying to help the public while they are hoarding toilet paper and getting hell because the store is out of it. Our grocery warehouse and drivers working overtime in an attempt to keep the stores stocked, our bus drivers, especially the paratransit drivers, getting people to their life saving appointments and thousands more of our members stepping up to be good members of the community, I thank you for being Teamsters!

Also, if you are feeling sick, use your sick leave, take the time. Most of our employers are not enforcing any lost time discipline and if they try to, call your business agent. While you are protecting others, protect yourself and your family. God bless you all!


Thank You, Teamsters! Read More »

Landmark settlements on key contracts


As we close the chapter on 2019, your Local is once again in the forefront of settling historic contracts and setting the highest standards for other Locals to meet. This past year, our Business Agents and Officers settled numerous contracts including: liquor, Costco, Busing, Pepsi Cola, the City and County of San Francisco, and many more.

In the coming year, dozens more contracts will open, including Coca Cola, Matagrano, Bottomley, Anheuser Busch–Oakland, DS Waters, Mission Linen, and First Transit–Redwood City.

As we go to press, the Local is in intense bargaining with Sysco Foods. Members of Local 853 and Local 137, based in Redding, are working under

expired contracts. Together, the two Locals have filed numerous unfair labor charges against this company.

Sysco is following a nasty pattern. Local 455, based in Denver, CO, had to go on strike. The Local there also had to file numerous unfair labor practice charges. Your Local, along with Local 137, is working hard to avoid a strike, but this company may leave us no option.

Landmark settlements on key contracts Read More »